
BSP File-Naming Conventions (Windows CE 5.0)

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The production-quality OAL model follows consistent file-naming conventions that allow you to find source files faster and easier. These file-naming conventions are currently not required for using the production-quality OAL provided in Windows CE. However, Microsoft recommends that you follow the naming conventions to maintain consistency.

BSP Files

The following table shows the file names for the include files typically found in the %_WINCEROOT\Platform\<Hardware Platform Name>\Src\Inc directory.

File name Description
Args.h Contains all bootargs or shared boot loader and OAL global definitions and data structures.
Boot.h Contains the component header files that define the standard include hierarchy for the boot loader.
Boot_cfg.h Contains the memory-map addresses based on the boot loader.
Bsp.h Contains all the other include files, allowing you to only include this file in your code.
Bsp_base_reg_cfg.h Contains board-level register address definitions.
Bsp_cfg.h Contains the common BSP hardware constants, including CPU frequency, common divisors, and SYSINTR definitions.
Image_cfg.h Contains the memory-map addresses based on the image.
Ioctl_cfg.h Contains the constants for the local hardware platform IOCTL routines.
Ioctl_tab.h Contains the IOCTL table, which is a function table for IOCTL handlers.
Kitl_cfg.h Contains the KITL-related configuration information including the supported network interface card (NIC) list and locations.
Oemaddrtab_cfg.inc Contains the OEMAddressTable definition.

This is for ARM-based hardware platforms only.

OAL Files

The following table shows the file names for the include files typically found in the %_WINCEROOT\Platform\<Hardware Platform Name>\Src\Kernel\OAL directory.

File name Description
Args.c Contains the boot arguments or arguments used for processing data.
Debug.c Contains the code for debug messages, for example, serial debug.
Init.c Contains the OAL initialization code including the OEMInit implementation.
Intr.c Contains the code for board-level interrupt handling.
Ioctl.c Contains the local hardware platform IOCTL implementations.
Kitl.c Contains the hardware platform initialization code for KITL.

See Also

Production-Quality OAL

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