
How to Bring Up a Device by Creating a New BSP

After you have designed and developed the standard development board (SDB) or target device that you will use to create a Windows CE .NET-based device, you must bring up the SDB or target device. When you bring up the SDB or target device by creating a board support package (BSP), you build a Tiny Kernel platform. You must complete the device bring up process before you can add more functionality to the Tiny Kernel platform. To bring up an SDB or target device, you must develop the platform code necessary to initialize the new platform on your SDB or target device.

You can bring up a device two different ways: you can either create a new BSP from the beginning, or you can clone an existing BSP using the Platform Builder IDE. When you create a new BSP, you create a BSP from the command line and generate all the source files, build files, .bib files, and .reg files needed to build the BSP from the command line. For information on how to bring up a device by cloning an existing BSP, see How to Bring Up a Device by Cloning a BSP.

If you do not have an SDB and, you want to design your own to develop and test your platform, see Standard Development Board Design.

Hardware Assumption

  • You have tested the hardware and other peripherals on your SDB or target device.

To track your progress in the following table, select the check box next to each step.

  Step Topic
1. Create a new BSP. How to Create a Board Support Package
2. Integrate your new BSP into the Platform Builder Catalog by creating a new BSP definition.

When you integrate your new BSP into the Catalog, you can use your new BSP when you create projects in Platform Builder. You can also add device drivers to or remove device drivers from the BSP with minimal coding.

Microsoft recommends that BSP vendors complete this step. For OEMs, this step is optional.

Creating a New BSP Definition
3. Use the Export Wizard to export your new BSP to an .msi file, so that other Platform Builder users can access the BSP.

The Export Wizard packages all the BSP files into an .msi file. Other Platform Builder users can then easily import the .msi file into a Platform Builder project. For more information about the Export Wizard, see Export Wizard.

Microsoft recommends that BSP vendors complete this step. For OEMs, this step is optional.

Exporting Features from the Catalog

See Also

Board Support Package Development | Hardware Adaptation How-to Topics

Last updated on Wednesday, April 13, 2005

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