
Updating the Boot Loader

A boot loader from Microsoft® Windows® CE version 3.0 may function correctly with no modifications in Windows CE .NET. At a minimum, no changes should be required to the boot loader code. But the following changes should be made or considered in the boot loader for your board support package (BSP) when migrating to Windows CE .NET.

To update the boot loader for migration

  1. Use BLCOMMON infrastructure.

    The boot loader common library (BLCOMMON) provides an infrastructure for all boot loaders. To minimize porting and migrating efforts, you should use this infrastructure while developing a boot loader for your BSP. For information about the boot loader common interface, see %_WINCEROOT%\Public\Common\Oak\Inc\BLCommon.h, How to Develop a Boot Loader, and Boot Loader Development.

  2. Update the binary image builder (.bib) files.

    Verify that the boot loader .bib file is compatible with the Windows CE .NET BSP Config.bib file.

  3. Remove PCI code.

    If using the PCI bus driver, only initialize your PCI Kernel Independent Transport Layer (KITL) device, for example, your NIC, and any intermediate PCI bridges. Leave all other PCI configuration to the PCI bus driver.

  4. (Optional) Remove code to clear memory.

    You do not need to implement code to force a clean OS boot in your boot loader. The KITL library provides routines to perform these operations.

  5. Enable virtual network miniport (VMINI).

    See Readme.txt in %_WINCEROOT%\Public\Common\Oak\Drivers\Ethdbg\Vmini for information.

See Also

Migrating a BSP | Board Support Package Tools

Last updated on Wednesday, April 13, 2005

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