
IDVDRenderer:IUnknown (Windows CE 5.0)

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This interface is a primary control interface of the media renderer for rendering DVD video. It is implemented by the DVD renderer and defines MPEG and DVD specific synchronization and control primitives that will be used by the DVD navigator during playback.

A pointer to an IDVDRenderer interface can be obtained by calling the IUnknown::QueryInterface method of a DVD-Video object and specifying the IID_IDVDRenderer reference identifier.

The IDVDRenderer interface has the following methods.

Method Description
IDVDRenderer::RegisterSyncEvent Binds an event handle to specific events in the DVD presentation.
IDVDRenderer::UnregisterSyncEvent Stops the event notifications flow associated with a handle.
IDVDRenderer::Play Starts typical decoding and rendering of a DVD stream.
IDVDRenderer::Abort Aborts any decoding and rendering processes and flushes the internal data buffers.
IDVDRenderer::Pause Pauses DVD rendering.
IDVDRenderer::Scan Provides support for forward and reverse scan modes.
IDVDRenderer::Slow Performs slow-motion forward and slow-motion reverse.
IDVDRenderer::Step Causes the decoder to temporarily start playback to decode and display picture and then enter into paused state on return.
IDVDRenderer::SetAudioStreamType Sets the audio decoder for a selected audio stream type.
IDVDRenderer::SetAudioStreamNumber Sets the decoding stream number for audio.
IDVDRenderer::SetSubpictureStreamNumber Sets the decoding stream number for a subpicture.
IDVDRenderer::SetPalette Sets the subpicture palette.
IDVDRenderer::Highlight Causes the decoder to display a highlight of the specified DVD button.
IDVDRenderer::GetHighlightedButton Returns the currently highlighted button number.
IDVDRenderer::GetAudioCaps Returns a bitmask identifying what audio capabilities are supported by the DVD-Video renderer.
IDVDRenderer::GetScanCaps Returns a bitmask identifying which scan modes are supported by the DVD-Video renderer.
IDVDRenderer::SetAPS Sets the Analog Protection Schema (APS).
IDVDRenderer::SetContentAspectRatio Sets the content aspect ratio.
IDVDRenderer::SetDisplayAspectRatio Sets the output display aspect ratio.
IDVDRenderer::SetAspectRatioMode Sets the renderer choice of presentation.

The IDVDRenderer interface, like all COM interfaces, inherits the IUnknown interface methods. The IUnknown interface supports the following three methods:


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: Dvddrvr.idl.

See Also

DVD-Video Renderer Interfaces

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