
Adding the BSP to the Catalog

The BSP Wizard, CEC Editor, and Export Wizard are provided to add your BSP and device driver definitions to the Catalog. These tools help you create, edit, and manage Catalog feature (.cec) file definitions for board support package (BSP) components such as drivers, OALs, boot loaders, OS images, and so on.

The BSP Wizard and the CEC Editor simplify creating .cec file definitions. Depending on your development stage, the BSP Wizard can be used in different ways. For more information, see BSP Wizard Overview.

To create a definition for your BSP

This procedure assumes that you have already created a BSP from the command line and have generated all the source, build, binary image builder (.bib), and registry editor (.reg) files needed to build the BSP.

  • Choose Create a New BSP in the BSP Wizard.

    This choice leads you through creating a BSP definition and the .cec files for your BSP. You can also add drivers to or remove drivers from the BSP with minimal coding efforts.

To clone an existing a BSP

This procedure assumes that you are going to start from nothing and create a BSP for your standard development board (SDB). The easiest approach here is to model your BSP after an existing BSP in Windows CE.

  1. To open the BSP Wizard, from the Platform menu, choose BSP Wizard.

  2. Choose Clone a BSP in the BSP Wizard.

  3. Choose an existing BSP that closely matches your SDB and CPU peripherals.

    This choice provides you with a copy of all the files from the existing BSP and creates all the .cec descriptions for the new BSP. You can also add or remove device drivers to and from the BSP with minimal coding efforts.

To add or remove drivers to or from an existing BSP

This procedure assumes you want to add a new driver to or remove a driver from a BSP that you have already created and added to the Catalog.

  • In the Platform Builder Catalog, select the driver and associate it with (or disassociate it from) the BSP.

    - or -

  • In Platform Builder, edit the Catalog feature (.cec) file to modify which BSPs and microprocessors are supported. This is also an easy way for you to create a driver description in the .cec file. For information, see Catalog Feature Files.

To export a BSP as an Windows Installer (.msi) file for use in Platform Builder projects

This procedure assumes that you have already created the BSP source files and integrated the BSP in to the IDE catalog using the BSP Wizard.

  • Use the Export Wizard in the Platform Builder IDE. For more information, see Export Wizard.

    The Export Wizard packages all the BSP files into an MSI file that can be imported into a Platform Builder project.

To import a BSP that is available as an .msi file from a Microsoft Web site

This procedure assumes that a BSP has already been created and exported using Platform Builder and is available on the Microsoft Web site.

  1. From the Platform Builder start page, click the Downloads tab.

  2. Search for and choose the BSP you want.

    All necessary BSP files are downloaded to your computer and the BSP definition is added to the Catalog. You can then modify the BSP definition by either adding or removing drivers as necessary. Finally, you can use this BSP in creating new projects.

See Also

BSP Wizard Overview | Migrating a BSP | Board Support Package Tools

Last updated on Wednesday, April 13, 2005

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