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This structure contains the DirectDraw callback functions. It is included in the DDHALINFO structure.



  • dwSize**
    Size of the structure. This parameter must be initialized before the structure is used.

  • dwFlags
    Indicates whether the DirectDraw functions are implemented.

    The following table shows the possible flags.

    Flag Description
    DDHAL_CB32_CANCREATESURFACE Indicates whether the CanCreateSurface callback function is implemented.
    DDHAL_CB32_CREATEPALETTE Indicates whether the CreatePalette callback function is implemented.
    DDHAL_CB32_CREATESURFACE Indicates whether the CreateSurface callback function is implemented.
    DDHAL_CB32_DESTROYDRIVER Indicates whether the DestroyDriver callback function is implemented.
    DDHAL_CB32_FLIPTOGDISURFACE Indicates whether the FlipToGDISurface callback function is implemented
    DDHAL_CB32_GETSCANLINE Indicates whether the GetScanLine callback function is implemented.
    DDHAL_CB32_SETEXCLUSIVEMODE Indicates whether the SetExclusiveMode callback function is implemented.
    DDHAL_CB32_SETMODE Indicates whether the SetMode callback function is implemented.
    DDHAL_CB32_WAITFORVERTICALBLANK Indicates whether the WaitForVerticalBlank callback function is implemented.
  • DestroyDriver
    Pointer to the driver's implementation of the DestroyDriver callback function.

  • CreateSurface**
    Pointer to the driver's implementation of the CreateSurface callback function.

  • SetColorKey**
    This member is obsolete and should not be used.

  • SetMode**
    Pointer to the driver's implementation of the SetMode callback function.

  • WaitForVerticalBlank**
    Pointer to the driver's implementation of the WaitForVerticalBlank callback function.

  • CanCreateSurface**
    Pointer to the driver's implementation of the CanCreateSurface callback function.

  • CreatePalette**
    Pointer to the driver's implementation of the CreatePalette callback function.

  • GetScanLine**
    Pointer to the driver's implementation of the GetScanLine callback function.

  • SetExclusiveMode**
    Pointer to the driver's implementation of the SetExclusiveMode callback function.

  • FlipToGDISurface**
    Pointer to the driver's implementation of the FlipToGDISurface callback function.


This structure contains the entry points in the display driver that DirectDraw calls. Entries that the display driver does not use should be set to NULL.


OS Versions: Windows CE 2.12 and later. Version 2.12 requires DXPAK 1.0 or later.
Header: Ddrawi.h.

See Also

DDHAL Callback Structures | DDHALINFO | CanCreateSurface | CreatePalette | CreateSurface | DestroyDriver | FlipToGDISurface | GetScanLine | SetExclusiveMode | SetMode | WaitForVerticalBlank

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