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This command permits the caller to set the particular recording speed at which the VCR stores data on its media. In some types of VCRs, the speed is directly related to the quality of the recording.


  • Command
    This must be set to AVC_VCR_CMD_RECORDING_SPEED.
  • CommandType
    If the caller wants to query the current setting, this field must be set to AVC_VCR_CommandType_Status. If the caller wants to set the VCR subunit to a specific date, this field must be set to AVC_VCR_CommandType_Control.
  • u.RecordingSpeed.RecordingSpeed
    If the caller is attempting to query the current setting, this field need not be initialized. If the caller is attempting to set the VCR subunit to utilize a particular recording speed, this value should be set to one of the flags in the following table, depending on the type of VCR being used.
    Flag Description
    RECORDING_SPEED_DVCR_Speed_32 6.67um track pitch. Slower than standard.
    RECORDING_SPEED_DVCR_Standard_Speed 10um track pitch.
    RECORDING_SPEED_DVCR_Speed_176 15um track pitch. Faster than standard.
    RECORDING_SPEED_DVCR_Speed_192 18um track pitch. Faster than standard.
    RECORDING_SPEED_DVHS_Standard_Speed 29um track pitch.
    RECORDING_SPEED_VHS_Speed_33 Much slower than standard speed.
    RECORDING_SPEED_VHS_Speed_32 Slower than standard speed.
    RECORDING_SPEED_VHS_Standard_Speed Standard recording speed.
    RECORDING_SPEED_VHS_EP An alias for RECORDING_SPEED_VHS_Speed_33 using a well-known identifying name.
    RECORDING_SPEED_VHS_LP An alias for RECORDING_SPEED_VHS_Speed_32 using a well-known identifying name.
    RECORDING_SPEED_VHS_SP An alias for RECORDING_SPEED_VHS_Standard_Speed using a well-known identifying name.

Return Values

  • ResponseCode
    The VCR subunit will return a specific value in this field, dependent on the action requested and the subunits capabilities. A successful query will likely result in a value of AVC_RESPONSE_STABLE. A successful control attempt will result in a value of AVC_RESPONSE_ACCEPTED. Other values are possible in this field, and are discussed in the description of IOCTL_VCR_AVCCMD.
  • u.RecordingSpeed.RecordingSpeed
    If the caller was attempting to set the VCR subunits current recording speed, this field should be ignored. If the caller was attempting to query the current setting, this field should contain one of the flags in the following table, depending on the type of VCR being used.
    Flag Description
    RECORDING_SPEED_DVCR_Speed_32 6.67um track pitch. Slower than standard.
    RECORDING_SPEED_DVCR_Standard_Speed 10um track pitch.
    RECORDING_SPEED_DVCR_Speed_176 15um track pitch. Faster than standard.
    RECORDING_SPEED_DVCR_Speed_192 18um track pitch. Faster than standard.
    RECORDING_SPEED_DVHS_Standard_Speed 29um track pitch.
    RECORDING_SPEED_VHS_Speed_33 Much slower than standard speed.
    RECORDING_SPEED_VHS_Speed_32 Slower than standard speed.
    RECORDING_SPEED_VHS_Standard_Speed Standard recording speed.
    RECORDING_SPEED_VHS_EP An alias for RECORDING_SPEED_VHS_Speed_33 using a well-known identifying name.
    RECORDING_SPEED_VHS_LP An alias for RECORDING_SPEED_VHS_Speed_32 using a well-known identifying name.
    RECORDING_SPEED_VHS_SP An alias for RECORDING_SPEED_VHS_Standard_Speed using a well-known identifying name.


The recording speed types listed above reflect those standardized at the time of this writing. Over time, these will be expanded as new VCR types emerge. At this point, different values may be required.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: Avc_vcr.h.

See Also


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