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This command permits the caller to query the VCR subunit's current interpretation of the type of signal format it is prepared to accept, or to permit the caller to attempt to set the VCR subunit to accept a specific type of input signal.


  • Command
    This must be set to AVC_VCR_CMD_INPUT_SIGNAL_MODE.
  • CommandType
    If the caller wants to query the current setting, this field must be set to AVC_VCR_CommandType_Status. If the caller wants to set the VCR subunit to output a specific mode, this field must be set to AVC_VCR_CommandType_Control.
  • u.InputSignalMode.SignalMode
    If the caller is querying the current setting, this field need not be initialized. If the caller is attempting to set the VCR to accept a particular signal mode, this field must be initialized to one of the following.
    Flag Description
    INPUT_SIGNAL_MODE_SignalMode_SD_525_60 Standard Definition Digital Video, 525 lines, 60fps.
    INPUT_SIGNAL_MODE_SignalMode_SDL_525_60 Standard Definition Digital Video, 525 lines, 60fps, High Compression.
    INPUT_SIGNAL_MODE_SignalMode_HD_1125_60 High Definition Digital Video, 1125 lines, 60fps.
    INPUT_SIGNAL_MODE_SignalMode_SD_625_50 Standard Definition Digital Video, 625 lines, 50fps.
    INPUT_SIGNAL_MODE_SignalMode_SDL_625_50 Standard Definition Digital Video, 625 lines, 50fps, High Compression.
    INPUT_SIGNAL_MODE_SignalMode_HD_1250_50 High Definition Digital Video, 1250 lines, 50fps.
    INPUT_SIGNAL_MODE_SignalMode_MPEG_25mbps_60 MPEG-2 Transport Stream, 25 mbps, 60 fps.
    INPUT_SIGNAL_MODE_SignalMode_MPEG_12_5mbps_60 MPEG-2 Transport Stream, 12.5 mbps, 60 fps.
    INPUT_SIGNAL_MODE_SignalMode_MPEG_6_25mbps_60 MPEG-2 Transport Stream, 6.25 mbps, 60 fps.
    INPUT_SIGNAL_MODE_SignalMode_MPEG_25mbps_50 MPEG-2 Transport Stream, 25 mbps, 50 fps.
    INPUT_SIGNAL_MODE_SignalMode_MPEG_12_5mbps_50 MPEG-2 Transport Stream, 12.5 mbps, 50 fps.
    INPUT_SIGNAL_MODE_SignalMode_MPEG_6_25mbps_50 MPEG-2 Transport Stream, 6.25 mbps, 50 fps.
    INPUT_SIGNAL_MODE_SignalMode_DVHS_Digital DVHS Digital.
    INPUT_SIGNAL_MODE_SignalMode_Analog_VHS_NTSC_525_60 Analog NTSC.
    INPUT_SIGNAL_MODE_SignalMode_Analog_VHS_M_PAL_525_60 Analog PAL-M.
    INPUT_SIGNAL_MODE_SignalMode_Analog_VHS_PAL_625_50 Analog PAL.
    INPUT_SIGNAL_MODE_SignalMode_Analog_VHS_N_PAL_625_50 Analog PAL-N.
    INPUT_SIGNAL_MODE_SignalMode_Analog_VHS_SECAM_625_50 Analog SECAM.
    INPUT_SIGNAL_MODE_SignalMode_Analog_VHS_ME_SECAM_625_50 Analog ME-SECAM.
    INPUT_SIGNAL_MODE_SignalMode_Analog_S_VHS_525_60 S-VHS, NTSC.
    INPUT_SIGNAL_MODE_SignalMode_Analog_S_VHS_625_50 S-VHS, PAL.

Return Values

  • ResponseCode
    The VCR subunit will return a specific value in this field, dependent on the action requested and the capabilities of the subunits. A successful query may result in a value of AVC_RESPONSE_STABLE. A successful control attempt will result in a value of AVC_RESPONSE_ACCEPTED. Other values are possible and are discussed in the description of IOCTL_VCR_AVCCMD.
  • u.InputSignalMode.SignalMode
    If the caller was attempting to query the current setting, and the query operation was successful, this field will contain the current setting, which should be one of the modes listed above.


Most consumer equipment is likely to support a single type of signal or a variant such as NTSC and S-VHS NTSC, and not permit any other setting. Merely because a signal mode has an identifying number does not guarantee that the VCR subunit will support it.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: Avc_vcr.h.

See Also


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