
IeXdi2ClientAuthorizeContinuation (Windows CE 5.0)

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This interface contains methods that authorize restarting execution on the debugging target.

The client can refuse the restart request if it is still performing an operation that requires a halt state. If the client refuses a restart, the exdi service will query again after a fixed interval, typically 1 second.

The client can increase the query interval in a callback return, or the client can asynchronously send a Run command.


The following table shows the methods defined in the IeXdi2ClientAuthorizeContinuation interface.

Method Description
IeXdi2ClientAuthorizeContinuation::AuthorizeTargetRestart Requests client authorization to resume execution.


OS Version: Windows CE 5.0 and later.
Header: eXDI2.h.
Link Library: ole32.lib, oleaut32.lib.

See Also

IeXDI2 Interfaces

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