
Serial Port Driver Registry Settings

The following table shows the registry subkeys, values, and descriptions of the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Drivers\BuiltIn\Serial serial port driver registry key.

Subkey Value Description
"Tsp" "Unimodem.dll" TAPI service provider for the communications port.
"SysIntr" dword:13 Platform dependent. SYSINTR_FIRMWARE plus the IRQ.
"IoBase" dword:02F8 Platform dependent base address of port-mapped I/O.
"IoLen" dword:8 Platform dependent I/O space mapping to a virtual address in a memory-mapped I/O system. Notifies the system how much larger the address window is.
"DeviceArrayIndex" dword:0 Depends on how the serial driver is built. This key specifies the serial adapter that the driver manages. Also specifies the object to use inside the driver DLL. It is only useful for multi-object drivers such as serial drivers, PC card drivers, built-in drivers, infrared drivers, and so on. For single object drivers, this cannot be used.
"Prefix" "COM" Entry point of the driver is constructed from the Prefix value if the driver exposes a stream interface, or is Init if no Prefix value exists.
"Dll" "Serial.Dll" DLL that will be loaded by the Registry Enumerator.
"Order" dword:0 Value between zero (0) and 255. The smallest Order value gets loaded first. If there is no Order value, the driver will get loaded after drivers with defined Orders.
"DeviceType" dword:0 Used by the RAS Server. Can be set to one of the RASDT_XXX string constants defined in Ras.h. These include direct, modem, VPN, and PPPoE.
"FriendlyName" LOC_FRIENDLY_SERIAL Localization friendly name defined in a header file. Default value is "Serial Cable on COM1:".
"DevConfig" hex: 10, 00, 00, 00, 05, 00, 00, 00, 10, 01, 00, 00, 00,4B, 00, 00, 00, 00, 08, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00 For TAPI and Unimodem that can provide direct serial and modem connections, this is a Unimodem-specific data structure that is opaque to RAS.

See Also

Serial Port Drivers | Power Management in Serial Port Drivers | Automatic Detection of Docking for Serial Ports | Serial Port Driver Architecture

 Last updated on Tuesday, May 18, 2004

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