
Parallel Port Driver Registry Settings

The following table shows the registry subkeys, values, and descriptions of the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Drivers\BuiltIn\Parallel parallel port driver registry key.

Subkey Value Description
"Prefix" "LPT" If the driver exposes a stream interface, the entry point of the driver is constructed from the Prefix value. If there is no Prefix value the entry point is Init.
"Dll" "Parallel.dll" The Registry Enumerator loads the DLL indicated by the Dll value.
"Order" dword:0 Optional and platform dependent. Value between zero (0) and 255. The smallest Order value gets loaded first. If there is no Order value, the driver will get loaded after drivers with defined Orders.
"IoBase" dword:278 Platform specific base address of port-mapped I/O.
"IoLen" dword:C Platform specific. Maps I/O space to virtual address in a memory mapped I/O system. This tells the system how much larger the address window is.
"SysIntr" dword:15 Platform specific. SYSINTR_FIRMWARE plus the IRQ. IRQ5 for LPT2 or IRQ7 for LPT1.
"FriendlyName" LOC_FRIENDLYNAME_PARALLEL Localization friendly name. The default value is "Parallel Cable on LPT1". This is defined during the localization phase in an .str file.

See Also

Parallel Port Driver Samples | Parallel Port Drivers

 Last updated on Tuesday, May 18, 2004

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