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This message is sent to the LINEEVENT callback function when the status of an address changes on a line that is currently open by TAPI. TAPI can invoke TSPI_lineGetAddressStatus to determine the current status of the address.

LINE_ADDRESSSTATEhtLine = (HTAPILINE) hLineDevice;htCall = (HTAPICALL) 0;dwMsg = (DWORD) LINE_ADDRESSSTATE;dwParam1 = (DWORD) idAddress;dwParam2 = (DWORD) AddressState;dwParam3 = (DWORD) 0;


  • htLine
    The TAPI opaque object handle to the line device.
  • htCall
    Not used.
  • dwMsg
  • dwParam1
    The address identifier of the address that changed status.
  • dwParam2
    The address state that changed. This parameter can be a combination of the LINEADDRESSSTATE_ constants.
  • dwParam3
    Not used.


This message is sent whenever the line is open by TAPI and an event occurs in which TAPI has expressed an interest. TAPI uses the TSPI_lineSetStatusMessages function to specify the set of status-change events in which it is interested. By default, address status reporting is disabled.

For backward compatibility, older service providers are not expected to generate this value in a LINE_ADDRESSSTATE message. If they do, the message should be handled in the same manner as for newer service providers (as described earlier).


OS Versions: Windows CE 1.0 and later.
Header: Tapi.h.

See Also

LINEEVENT | TSPI_lineGetAddressStatus | TSPI_lineSetStatusMessages

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