
Datastore File Organization (Windows CE 5.0)

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Each datastore file has four sections:

  • Default datastore

    The default datastore consists of the originally installed XSL files. These files are not changed by installation or setup process. The default datastore can restore a corrupted or destroyed datastore to the state of a fresh installation.

  • User datastore

    The original user datastore is a copy of the default datastore, stored in the user's profile on the desktop. If the IDE installs an add-on component, it copies the add-on to the user datastore the next time the datastore is instantiated.

  • Add-on components

    The associated IDE, Visual Studio or Platform Builder, creates add-on components as required when an SDK is installed.

    Add-on components contain information about custom devices and platforms required to use an SDK. An add-on component consists of an XSL file that specifies the data to be integrated and optional XML files that specify language string translations.

  • Language files

    Each XML file provides string names for a certain language. These XML files are stored in the All Users profile directory All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\CoreCon\1.0\<locale id>.

    For example, an XML file that provides string for the English language has a locale ID of 1033.

    Add-on components place language files into the appropriate locale directory. The datastore loads language files associated with the locale setting.

See Also

Core Connectivity Datastore | Datastore Schema | Core Connectivity Datastore Interfaces

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