
ISpMMSysAudio::Write (Windows CE 5.0)

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This method writes data to the audio device. The audio device should not be directly manipulated when performing speech recognition (see ISpRecognizer).

HRESULT Write( const void* pv, ULONG cb,ULONG* pcbWritten);


  • pv
    [in] Pointer to data to write to the audio device. A valid pointer must be provided for this parameter, even when cb is zero.
  • cb
    [in] Number of bytes of data to attempt to write to the audio device. This value can be zero.
  • pcbWritten
    [out] Pointer to the actual number of bytes written to the audio device. If set to NULL, no byte value is written.

Return Values

The following table shows the possible return values.

Value Description
S_OK Function completed successfully.
SPERR_AUDIO_STOPPED Multimedia device has been stopped.
E_OUTOFMEMORY Exceeded available memory.
E_POINTER At least one of pcbWritten or pv are invalid or bad.
STG_E_ACCESSDENIED Multimedia device is write-only and no bytes will be written. Error will occur when writing to an input device.
FAILED(hr) Appropriate error message.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.1 and later.
Header: Sapi.h, Sapi.idl.
Link Library: Sapilib.lib.

See Also

ISpMMSysAudio | SAPI Interfaces

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