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This structure contains the address, format, and length, in bytes, of a debugging string.

typedef struct _OUTPUT_DEBUG_STRING_INFO { LPSTR lpDebugStringData; WORD fUnicode; WORD nDebugStringLength; } OUTPUT_DEBUG_STRING_INFO; 


  • lpDebugStringData
    Pointer to the debugging string in the calling process's address space.

    The debugger can use the ReadProcessMemory function to retrieve the value of the string.

  • fUnicode
    Format of the debugging string.

    If this member is 0, the string is ASCII.

    If this member is nonzero, the string is Unicode.

  • nDebugStringLength
    Length, in bytes, of the debugging string.

    The length includes the string's terminating null character.


OS Versions: Windows CE 2.0 and later.
Header: Winbase.h.

See Also

ReadProcessMemory | DEBUG_EVENT

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