
COMMPROP (Windows CE 5.0)

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This structure is used by the GetCommProperties function to return specific communication support driver data.

typedef struct _COMMPROP {WORD wPacketLength;WORD wPacketVersion;DWORD dwServiceMask;DWORD dwReserved1;DWORD dwMaxTxQueue;DWORD dwMaxRxQueue;DWORD dwMaxBaud;DWORD dwProvSubType;DWORD dwProvCapabilities;DWORD dwSettableParams;DWORD dwSettableBaud;WORD wSettableData;WORD wSettableStopParity;WORD dwCurrentTxQueue;DWORD dwCurrentRxQueue;DWORD dwProvSpec1;DWORD dwProvSpec2;WCHAR wcProvChar[1];} COMMPROP;


  • wPacketLength
    Specifies the size, in bytes, of the data packet, regardless of the amount of data requested.

  • wPacketVersion
    Specifies the version of the structure.

  • dwServiceMask
    Specifies a bitmask indicating which services are implemented by this provider.

    The SP_SERIALCOMM value is always specified for communications providers, including modem providers.

  • dwReserved1
    Reserved; do not use.

  • dwMaxTxQueue
    Specifies the maximum size, in bytes, of the driver's internal output buffer.

    A value of zero indicates that no maximum value is imposed by the serial provider.

  • dwMaxRxQueue
    Specifies the maximum size, in bytes, of the driver's internal input buffer.

    A value of zero indicates that no maximum value is imposed by the serial provider.

  • dwMaxBaud
    Specifies the maximum acceptable baud rate, in bits per second (bps).

    The following values are possible for this member.

  • Value Description
    BAUD_075 75 bps
    BAUD_110 110 bps
    BAUD_134_5 134.5 bps
    BAUD_150 150 bps
    BAUD_300 300 bps
    BAUD_600 600 bps
    BAUD_1200 1200 bps
    BAUD_1800 1800 bps
    BAUD_2400 2400 bps
    BAUD_4800 4800 bps
    BAUD_7200 7200 bps
    BAUD_9600 9600 bps
    BAUD_14400 14400 bps
    BAUD_19200 19200 bps
    BAUD_38400 38400 bps
    BAUD_56K 56K bps
    BAUD_57600 57600 bps
    BAUD_115200 115200 bps
    BAUD_128K 128K bps
    BAUD_USER Programmable baud rates available
  • dwProvSubType
    Specifies the specific communications provider type.

    The following values are possible for this member.

  • Value Description
    PST_FAX FAX device
    PST_LAT LAT protocol
    PST_MODEM Modem device
    PST_NETWORK_BRIDGE Unspecified network bridge
    PST_PARALLELPORT Parallel port
    PST_RS232 RS-232 serial port
    PST_RS422 RS-422 port
    PST_RS423 RS-423 port
    PST_RS449 RS-449 port
    PST_SCANNER Scanner device
    PST_TCPIP_TELNET TCP/IP Telnet® protocol
    PST_UNSPECIFIED Unspecified
    PST_X25 X.25 standards
  • dwProvCapabilities
    Indicates the capabilities offered by the provider.

    The following values are possible for this member.

  • Value Description
    PCF_16BITMODE Special 16-bit mode is supported.
    PCF_DTRDSR DTR (Data Terminal Ready) and DSR (Data Set Ready) are supported.
    PCF_INTTIMEOUTS Interval timeouts are supported.
    PCF_PARITY_CHECK Parity checking is supported.
    PCF_RLSD RLSD (Receive Line Signal Detect) is supported.
    PCF_RTSCTS RTS (Request to Send) and CTS (Clear to Send) are supported.
    PCF_SETXCHAR XON and XOFF are supported.
    PCF_SPECIALCHARS Special character support is provided.
    PCF_TOTALTIMEOUTS Total elapsed timeouts are supported.
    PCF_XONXOFF XON and XOFF flow control are supported.
  • dwSettableParams
    Indicates the communication parameter that can be changed.

    The following values are possible for this member.

  • Value Description
    SP_BAUD Baud rate
    SP_DATABITS Data bits
    SP_HANDSHAKING Handshaking (flow control)
    SP_PARITY Parity
    SP_PARITY_CHECK Parity checking
    SP_RLSD Receive Line Signal Detect
    SP_STOPBITS Stop bits
  • dwSettableBaud
    Indicates the baud rates that can be used.

    For values, see the dwMaxBaud member.

  • wSettableData
    Indicates the number of data bits that can be set.

    The following values are possible for this member.

  • Value Description
    DATABITS_5 5 data bits
    DATABITS_6 6 data bits
    DATABITS_7 7 data bits
    DATABITS_8 8 data bits
    DATABITS_16 16 data bits
    DATABITS_16X Special wide path through serial hardware lines
  • wSettableStopParity
    Indicates the stop bit and parity settings that can be selected.

    The following values are possible for this member.

  • Value Description
    PARITY_EVEN Even parity
    PARITY_MARK Mark parity
    PARITY_NONE No parity
    PARITY_ODD Odd parity
    PARITY_SPACE Space parity
    STOPBITS_10 1 stop bit
    STOPBITS_15 1.5 stop bits
    STOPBITS_20 2 stop bits
  • dwCurrentTxQueue
    Specifies the size, in bytes, of the driver's internal output buffer.

    A value of zero indicates that the value is unavailable.

  • dwCurrentRxQueue
    Specifies the size, in bytes, of the driver's internal input buffer.

    A value of zero indicates that the value is unavailable.

  • dwProvSpec1
    Specifies provider-specific data. Applications should ignore this member unless specific data about the data format required by the provider is available.

    Set this member to COMMPROP_INITIALIZED before calling the GetCommProperties function to indicate that the wPacketLength member is already valid.

  • dwProvSpec2
    Specifies provider-specific data.

    Applications should ignore this member unless specific data about the data format required by the provider is available.

  • wcProvChar
    Specifies provider-specific data.

    Applications should ignore this member unless specific data about the data format required by the provider is available.


OS Versions: Windows CE 1.0 and later.
Header: Winbase.h.

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