
FTP Server Registry Settings (Windows CE 5.0)

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The registry stores information necessary to configure the system for applications and hardware devices. The registry also contains information that the operating system continually references during operation.

Note   The default registry values vary depending on which Catalog items are included in your OS design. For more information, see Default Registry Settings.

The following table shows the default registry settings for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\COMM\FTPD that are included when the FTP server is added to your OS design.

Value : type Description
AllowAnonymous : REG_DWORD Default set to 1. Possible values are 0 (false) or 1 (true).

Determines whether the server will allow anonymous access.

Security Note   If this value is set to true, it will allow users to connect to the server without providing verifiable credentials. Anyone can log in using the username "anonymous" and any password to gain access. It is recommended that you set this value to false and use the UserList registry setting to specify all allowed users.
AllowAnonymousUpload : REG_DWORD Default set to zero (0). Possible values are 0 (false) or 1 (true).

Determines whether authorization is required to upload files to the server, delete files from the server, and rename files.

Security Note   If this value is set to true, unauthenticated users will be able to copy files to, and delete files from, your server. This can be very dangerous because attackers might upload dangerous applications and documents, or they might delete important system files. It is not recommended to allow upload permission for anonymous users.
AllowAnonymousVroots : REG_DWORD Default set to zero (0). Possible values are 0 (false) or 1 (true).

Specifies whether access to virtual roots is granted or denied to anonymous users.

Security Note   If this value is set to false, anonymous users will only be able to access the main FTP share. If this value is set to true, unauthenticated users will also be able to access VROOTs as well as the main share. Therefore you should use this setting with caution.
AllowLowPortValues : REG_DWORD Default set to false (0). Possible values are 0 (false) or 1 (true). If this value is set to false, all PORT commands requesting a port equal to or lesser than 1023 will be rejected. If this key is set to true, low ports will be allowed.
DefaultDir : REG_SZ Default root directory. Directory and subdirectories of this key are accessible remotely. If this value is not set in the registry, the default is \Temp.
IsEnabled : REG_DWORD Default set to 1. Possible values are 0 (false) or 1 (true).

Determines whether or not the server will accept incoming connections. This value is typically used to keep the server disabled at boot time.

UserList : REG_MULTI_SZ Provides a comma-separated list of allowed users.
Security Note   It is recommended that you set this value to a list of all users who should have access to the server and its member VROOTs. Specifying the allowed users in UserList and setting AllowAnonymous to false will help protect the device from most attackers and keep your files available only to those users who need to see them.

See Also

FTP Server OS Design Development

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