
EAP Initialization (Windows CE 5.0)

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RAS calls the exported function RasEapGetInfo, which is exported by every EAP extension DLL, for an authentication protocol. The EAP extension DLL will be loaded on demand and have this function called. The system will load only those extensions that are currently in use performing authentication. The RasEapGetInfo function receives a single parameter of type PPP_EAP_INFO. The dwEapTypeId member of this structure specifies the authentication protocol, to allow for a single DLL to support more than one protocol. If RasEapGetInfo returns any value other than NO_ERROR, the authentication protocol is assumed to be unavailable.

On return from RasEapGetInfo the PPP_EAP_INFO structure contains pointers to the RasEapInitialize, RasEapBegin, RasEapMakeMessage, and RasEapEnd functions in the EAP extension DLL. RAS uses these functions to interoperate with the authentication protocol. RAS immediately calls RasEapInitialize for each authentication protocol, to initialize it. When RAS shuts down it calls RasEapInitialize again, this time with the fInitialize parameter set to FALSE, indicating that the authentication protocol should shut itself down.

In addition to the mandatory RasEapGetInfo, Windows CE also provides the following optional functions for exporting an EAP extension DLL:

  • RasEapFreeMemory
  • RasEapGetIdentity
  • RasEapInvokeConfigUI
  • RasEapInvokeInteractiveUI

See Also

EAP Implementation Details | RasEapGetInfo | PPP_EAP_INFO | RasEapInitialize | RasEapBegin | RasEapMakeMessage | RasEapFreeMemory | RasEapGetIdentity | RasEapInvokeConfigUI | RasEapInvokeInteractiveUI

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