
MIPSII Epilog Example

The following example shows how to construct an epilog for a MIPSII ISA.

  1. Issue a restore for each register saved in the prologue where N is four and incremented by four for each subsequent lower number register saved.

    lw $31, framesize+frameoffset($29)      ; restore return address
    lw reg, framesize+frameoffset-N($29)    ; restore integer register
    ldc1 reg, framesize+frameoffset-N($29)  ; restore float register
  2. Return from the procedure.

    j $31
  3. End the routine.

    .end routine_name

    The minimum proper epilog for a leaf routine includes the return jump and the .end. Additionally, for a non-leaf routine, loading register $31 is required.

See Also

MIPS Epilog | MIPS16 Epilog Example

 Last updated on Thursday, April 08, 2004

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