
RAPI Enumerations (Windows CE 5.0)

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The following table lists the Remote API (RAPI) enumerations.

Enumeration PPC SP Description
RAPI_CONNECTIONTYPE X X Specifies the type of connection that exists between a Windows CE-based device and a host computer.

The RAPI_CONNECTIONINFO structure contains a member of this type.

RAPI_DEVICESTATUS X X Specifies a Windows CE-based device's connection state.
RAPI_GETDEVICEOPCODE X X Specifies whether an operation code run on a Windows CE-based device is blocking.
RAPISTREAMFLAG X X Passed to IRAPIStream::SetRapiStat and IRAPIStream::GetRapiStat methods.

See Also

Remote Application Programming Interface (RAPI) Reference | RAPI Functions | RAPI Interfaces | RAPI Structures | RAPI_CONNECTIONINFO | IRAPIStream::SetRapiStat | IRAPIStream::GetRapiStat

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