
ARM Intrinsic Functions

The following table shows ARM intrinsic functions with a description of the purpose of each.

Programming element Description
_AddSatInt This ARM DSP-enhanced operation performs a saturating add instruction.
_DAddSatInt This operation doubles Rn and saturates.
_DSubSatInt This operation doubles Rn and saturates, then subtracts the result from Rm and saturates.
_PreLoad This instruction is a soft preload instruction; that is, this instruction indicates to the memory system that a memory access from the specified address will occur shortly.
_ReadCoProcessor This instruction causes the specified coprocessor registers to transfer values to two ARM registers.
_SmulAdd_SL_ACC This operation multiplies the signed value in register Rs by the signed value in register Rm and then adds the result to the 40-bit accumulator, acc0.
_SmulAddHi_SW_ACC This instruction multiplies the top half of Rm and the top half of Rs and accumulates the result to a single 40-bit accumulator.
_SmulAddHi_SW_SL An ARM DSP-enhanced, signed-integer multiply-accumulate operation that multiplies the top half of register Rm and the top half of register Rs, producing a 32-bit product.
_SmulAddHi_SW_SQ An ARM DSP-enhanced, signed integer multiply-accumulate operation that first performs a multiply on two 16-bit source operands from the top half of register Rm and the top half of Rs.
_SmulAddHiLo_SW_ACC This ARM XScale instruction multiplies the top half of Rm and the bottom half of Rs and accumulates the result to a single 40-bit accumulator.
_SmulAddHiLo_SW_SL An ARM DSP-enhanced, signed-integer multiply-accumulate operation that multiplies the top half of register Rm and the bottom half of register Rs to produce a 32-bit product.
_SmulAddHiLo_SW_SQ An ARM DSP-enhanced, signed integer multiply-accumulate operation that multiplies the top half of register Rm and the bottom half of Rs. This
_SmulAddLo_SW_ACC This ARM XScale instruction multiplies the bottom half of Rm and the bottom half of Rs and accumulates the result to a single 40-bit accumulator
_SmulAddLo_SW_SL An ARM DSP-enhanced, signed-integer multiply-accumulate operation that multiplies the bottom half of register Rm and the bottom half of register Rs, producing a 32-bit product.
_SmulAddLo_SW_SQ An ARM DSP-enhanced, signed integer multiply-accumulate operation that first performs a multiply on two 16-bit source operands from the bottom half of register Rm and the bottom half of Rs.
_SmulAddLoHi_SW_ACC This ARM XScale instruction multiplies the bottom half of Rm and the top half of Rs and accumulates the result to a single 40-bit accumulator.
_SmulAddLoHi_SW_SL An ARM DSP-enhanced, signed-integer multiply-accumulate operation that multiplies the bottom half of register Rm and the top half of register Rs, producing a 32-bit product.
_SmulAddLoHi_SW_SQ An ARM DSP-enhanced, signed integer multiply-accumulate operation that multiplies the bottom half of register Rm and the top half of Rs.
_SmulAddPack_2SW_ACC This ARM XScale instruction performs two 16x16 signed multiplication on packed half word data and accumulates these to a single 40-bit accumulator.
_SmulAddWHi_SW_SL An ARM DSP-enhanced, signed integer multiply-accumulate operation that multiplies Rm with the top 16 bits of Rs then accumulates in Rn.
_SmulAddWLo_SW_SL An ARM DSP-enhanced, signed integer multiply-accumulate operation that multiplies Rm with the bottom 16 bits of Rs, then accumulates in Rn.
_SmulHi_SW_SL An ARM DSP-enhanced, signed integer multiply operation that multiplies the bottom half of register Rm times the bottom half of register Rs, producing a 32-bit result in Rd.
_SmulHiLo_SW_SL An ARM DSP-enhanced, signed integer multiply operation that multiplies the top half of register Rm times the top half of register Rs, producing a 32-bit result in Rd.
_SmulLo_SW_SL An ARM DSP-enhanced, signed integer multiply operation that multiplies the top half of register Rm times the bottom half of register Rs, producing a 32-bit result in Rd.
_SmulLoHi_SW_SL An ARM DSP-enhanced, signed integer multiply operation that multiplies the bottom half of register Rm times the top half of register Rs, producing a 32-bit result in Rd.
_SmulWHi_SW_SL An ARM DSP-enhanced, signed-integer multiplication operation. This instruction performs a 32x16 bit multiply on the 32-bit operand in Rm and the 16-bit source operand from top half of register Rs, and taking the upper 32 bits of the 48-bit product.
_SmulWLo_SW_SL An ARM DSP-enhanced, signed-integer multiplication operation. This instruction performs a 32x16 bit multiply on the 32-bit operand in Rm and the 16-bit source operand from the bottom half of register Rs, and taking the upper 32 bits of the 48-bit product.
_SubSatInt This ARM DSP-enhanced operation performs a saturating subtract instruction. It subtracts the value in Rn from the value in Rm, and places the result in register Rd.
_WriteCoProcessor This instruction causes the specified ARM registers to transfer values to coprocessor registers.
BKPT This ARM10 instruction causes a software breakpoint to occur.
CLZ This ARM10 instruction counts the number of binary zero bits before the first binary one bit in a register value.

See Also

Intrinsic Function Reference

 Last updated on Thursday, April 08, 2004

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