
Build a FBWF-Enabled Image Using Image Configuration Editor (Standard 7 SP1)


In this procedure, you first create an answer file in Image Configuration Editor to capture the specifications for a File-Based Write Filter (FBWF)-enabled Windows Embedded Standard 7 image. Next, you use the answer file to build the FBWF-enabled image on your device. Finally, you configure FBWF by using FBWF Manager.

To create an FBWF-enabled answer file in Image Configuration Editor

  1. On the development computer, in Image Configuration Editor, on the File menu, click Select Distribution Share.

  2. In the Select a Distribution Share window, do the following:

    • To develop an image for a 32-bit device, open the 32-bit distribution share on the development computer.
      The default location for the Standard 7 32-bit distribution share on a 32-bit development computer is <SystemDrive>:\Program Files\Windows Embedded Standard 7\DS.
      The default location for the Standard 7 Service Pack 1 32-bit distribution share on a 32-bit development computer is <SystemDrive>:\Program Files\Windows Embedded Standard 7\DSSP1.
    • To develop an image for a 64-bit device, open the 64-bit distribution share on the development computer.
      The default location for the 64-bit distribution share on a 32-bit development computer is <SystemDrive>:\Program Files\Windows Embedded Standard 7\DS64.
      The default location for the Standard 7 Service Pack 1 64-bit distribution share on a 32-bit development computer is <SystemDrive>:\Program Files\Windows Embedded Standard 7\DS64SP1.
  3. Select the distribution share folder you want to use for your answer file, and then click Open.

    In the Distribution Share pane, the $OEM$ Folders, Out-of-box Drivers, Packages, and Templates folders are listed.

  4. On the File menu, select New Answer File.

    In the Answer File pane, the Windows Embedded Core package is included in the package.


    Image Configuration Editor automatically adds the Windows Embedded Core to every new answer file. The Windows Embedded Core contains the basic functionality required in every image. For more information, see Embedded Core (eCore)

  5. After you create an answer file by using Image Configuration Editor, the next step is to add any required Inbox or Out-of-box drivers to the answer file. For more information, see Add Drivers to an Answer File.


    If you already have an available .pmq file for your device, you can import it to the answer file. For more information, see Import a .pmq File into Image Configuration Editor.

  6. In the in the Distribution Share pane, locate the Packages\FeaturePack\Embedded Enabling Features folder.

    Right-click the File Based Write Filter (FBWF) package, and then click Add to Answer File.

    The File Based Write Filter (FBWF) package is added to the answer file.

  7. On the Validate menu, click Add Required and Optional Packages.

    Image Configuration Editor adds drives and packages to the answer file. Information about dependencies displays in the Validation tab of the Messages pane.

  8. In the Messages pane, on the Validation tab, double-click the Dependencies of the source package are not satisfied message.

  9. In the Resolve Dependencies dialog box, do the following:

    1. Select Windows Boot Environment.
    2. Select Windows Embedded Standard Startup Screens.
    3. Select Windows Explorer Shell.
    4. Select Standard Windows USB Stack.
    5. Select a language pack, for example, English (US) Language Pack and then click OK.
  10. On the Validate menu, click Add Required and Optional Packages again.

    Image Configuration Editor adds any additional required dependencies to the answer file. Information about dependencies displays in the Validation tab of the Messages pane.

  11. In the Answer File pane, locate Product\Operating System\Foundation Core\Windows Embedded Edition, and then click Windows Embedded Edition.

  12. In the Settings/Properties pane, do the following:

    1. Select the Properties tab.
    2. In the Filter view by list, select 5 Audit System.
    3. On the Settings tab, locate the UserAccounts\AdministratorPassword\Value setting.
    4. Enter a blank administrator password by right-clicking the Value setting, and then selecting Write Empty String.
      The built-in administrator account will be enabled with a blank password.
      Hh974693.security(en-US,WinEmbedded.60).gifSecurity Note:
      Creating a blank administrator password is a security risk.
      For more information, see [AdministratorPassword](gg723604\(v=winembedded.60\).md).
  13. On the File menu, select Save Answer File As.

    The Save As dialog box opens.

  14. In the Save As dialog box, in the File name text box, type Autounattend.xml, and then click Save.

You have now created a basic FBWF-enabled answer file that you can use to create a Standard 7 image on your device by using the Standard 7 product DVD.

To deploy an FBWF-enabled answer file on your device by using Image Builder

  1. On the development computer, copy the answer file to a location that the device can access. For example, copy the answer file to a USB flash drive.

  2. Start the device.

  3. On the device, insert the Standard 7 product DVD appropriate to your device's architecture and insert the USB flash drive that contains the Autounattend.xml answer file.

  4. Restart the device by using the Standard 7 product DVD.

    Image Builder starts to build the image using the answer file.


    Image Builder shows a dialog box for errors or additional required information unless you configured your answer file to be unattended. For more information, see Configure an Answer File to Be Unattended and Methods for Running Image Builder.

  5. On the Microsoft Software License Terms page, review the license terms. If you accept the license terms, click I accept the license terms, and then click Next.


    Because the Microsoft Software License Terms are not all visible at the same time on one page, use the scrollbar to show all the license information.

  6. On the Choose a language and other preferences page, do the following:

    1. Select Language to install.
    2. Select Time and currency format.
    3. Select Keyboard or input method.
    4. Click Next.
  7. The Where do you want to install Windows page will display a list of all volumes discovered by Image Builder.


    If the volume you want to install your Standard 7 image on is not listed or you must prepare it, you can use Load Driver or Drive options (advanced) to perform the steps that are required to make the drive ready for the installation.

    1. Select the volume on which to install your Standard 7 image.
    2. Click Next.
  8. The Installing Windows page displays detailed information about the progress of your image installation.

    Your device will restart several times during installation. When the installation is complete, the Installing Windows page closes.

    Your device restarts using the new FBWF-enabled Standard 7 image that you created.

  9. After your device restarts, it displays a series of Windows Welcome screens that you can use to help set up your device. You can do the following:

    • Enter a user name and computer name
    • Set a password for your account
    • Enter a Windows product key
    • Help protect Windows automatically
    • Review time and date settings

    When Windows Welcome is finished, you can configure FBWF on your Standard 7 image by using FBWF Manager.

To configure FBWF on your image using FBWF Manager

  1. Open an Administrator command prompt.

    From the Start menu, click All Programs, click Accessories, right-click Command Prompt, and then click Run as administrator.

  2. Type bcdedit /set {current} bootstatuspolicy ignoreallfailures to set the Boot Configuration Data (BCD) BootStatusPolicy to ignore all boot failures.

  3. Type fbwfmgr /enable to enable FBWF on the next restart.

  4. You can use the /addvolume option to add a volume to the protected volume list for the next restart.

    Type fbwfmgr /addvolume %systemdrive% to add the %systemdrive% volume.

    This will redirect all writes to %systemdrive% to the overlay.

  5. You can use the /addexclusion option to add a file or a folder to the exclusion write-through list of a protected volume.

    For example, type fbwfmgr /addexclusion %systemdrive% \SampleData\Sample.dat to add a file named Sample.dat in the SampleData folder to the exclusion write-through list.

  6. Restart the system to finish enabling FBWF.

    FBWF is now installed and enabled on your Standard 7 image.

Next Steps

You can also use FBWF Manager to disable FBWF if required for changes or image servicing.

  1. At an Administrator command prompt, type fbwfmgr /disable to disable FBWF.
  2. At an Administrator command prompt, type shutdown /r /t 0 to restart the system and finish disabling FBWF.

For more information about FBWF command-line options, see FBWF Manager.

See Also


Import a .pmq File into Image Configuration Editor
Add a Package to an Answer File in Image Configuration Editor


Add Out of Box Drivers Using Image Configuration Editor
Add Custom Files and Folders Using Image Configuration Editor and the $OEM$ Folders

Other Resources

Standard 7 Basics