
WLAN_BSS_ENTRY (Compact 2013)


This structure contains information about a basic service set (BSS).


typedef struct _WLAN_BSS_ENTRY {
  DOT11_SSID dot11Ssid;
  ULONG uPhyId;
  DOT11_MAC_ADDRESS dot11Bssid;
  DOT11_BSS_TYPE dot11BssType;
  DOT11_PHY_TYPE dot11BssPhyType;
  LONG lRssi;  ULONG uLinkQuality;
  BOOLEAN bInRegDomain;
  USHORT usBeaconPeriod;
  ULONGLONG ullTimestamp;
  ULONGLONG ullHostTimestamp;
  USHORT usCapabilityInformation;
  ULONG ulChCenterFrequency;
  WLAN_RATE_SET wlanRateSet;
  ULONG ulIeOffset;
  ULONG ulIeSize;


  • dot11Ssid
    A DOT11_SSID structure that contains the SSID of the access point (AP) that is associated with the BSS
  • uPhyId
    The identifier of the PHY on which the AP is operating
  • dot11BssType
    A DOT11_BSS_TYPE value that specifies whether the network is infrastructure or ad hoc
  • dot11BssPhyType
    A DOT11_PHY_TYPE value that specifies the PHY type of the network
  • lRssi
    The received signal strength in dBm
  • uLinkQuality
    The link quality reported by the driver, in a range from 0-100.
  • bInRegDomain
    If 802.11d is not implemented, the network adapter must set this field to TRUE. If 802.11d is implemented (but not necessarily enabled), the network adapter must set this field to TRUE if the BSS operation complies with the configured regulatory domain.
  • usBeaconPeriod
    Contains the beacon interval value from the beacon packet or probe response
  • ullTimestamp
    The time stamp from the beacon packet or probe response
  • ullHostTimestamp
    The host time stamp value for when the beacon or probe response is received.
  • usCapabilityInformation
    The capability value from the beacon packet or probe response
  • ulChCenterFrequency
    The frequency of the center channel, in kHz
  • wlanRateSet
    A WLAN_RATE_SET structure that contains the set of data transfer rates supported by the BSS
  • ulIeOffset
    Offset of the information element (IE) data blob
  • ulIeSize
    Size of the IE data blob, in bytes

See Also


Native Wi-Fi Structures
Native Wi-Fi Reference