


This status indicates a network change to allow overlying drivers to initiate renegotiation of network addresses.


NDIS miniport drivers can generate this status indication to request the overlying protocol drivers to renegotiate layer three addresses.

NDIS generates NDIS_STATUS_NETWORK_CHANGE status indications for the older 802.1X wireless miniport drivers that emulate 802.3. These miniport drivers report a media type of NdisMedium802_3 and a physical media type of NdisPhysicalMediumWirelessLan. When such a miniport driver generates an NDIS_STATUS_MEDIA_CONNECT status indication and the associated miniport adapter is in a connected state, NDIS generates an NDIS_STATUS_NETWORK_CHANGE status indication for the miniport adapter.

NDIS 6.0 miniport drivers should generate the NDIS_STATUS_NETWORK_CHANGE status indication only after they are ready to handle network data. For example, in native 802.11, this status indication is generated after authentication is completed successfully and full layer two connectivity is achieved.


Although the media-connected state is not exactly defined, this state can be loosely defined as - the state in which the miniport adapter is able to transmit and receive network data. Media-connected is not directly related to link authentication status. The native Wi-Fi 802.3 interface is unable to send or receive packets until after the link is authenticated. In this case, the media-connected state is coincident with the link-authenticated state in native 802.11.

NDIS supplies one of the following NDIS_NETWORK_CHANGE_TYPE values in the StatusBuffer member of the NDIS_STATUS_INDICATION structure:

  • NdisPossibleNetworkChange
    The miniport driver detected that there might be a network change. In this case, the overlying protocols must detect the network change, if any, and renegotiate the addresses if it is necessary.

    NDIS also uses this value when it generates NDIS_STATUS_NETWORK_CHANGE status indications for older 802.1X wireless miniport drivers that emulate 802.3. However, NDIS uses NdisNetworkChangeFromMediaConnect instead of NdisPossibleNetworkChange when it translates the same event for Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI).

  • NdisDefinitelyNetworkChange
    The miniport driver detected that there is a network change, so the overlying protocols must renegotiate the addresses.
  • NdisNetworkChangeFromMediaConnect
    An older 802.1X wireless miniport driver that emulates 802.3 generated an NDIS_STATUS_MEDIA_CONNECT status indication when it was in a connected state. This value is used in the WMI event notification for GUID_NDIS_STATUS_NETWORK_CHANGE.

    NdisNetworkChangeFromMediaConnect is not used in the NDIS_STATUS_NETWORK_CHANGE status indication.

The StatusBufferSize member of the NDIS_STATUS_INDICATION structure is set to sizeof(NDIS_NETWORK_CHANGE_TYPE).




See Also


NDIS General Status Indications