CeAcquireRwLock (Compact 2013)
CeAcquireRwLock attempts to acquire either shared or exclusive access to a reader/writer lock.
__in HRWLOCK hLock,
__in CERW_TYPE typeLock,
__in DWORD dwTimeout
- hLock
[in] Handle to the reader/writer lock created by a call to CeCreateRwLock
- typeLock
[in] Type of requested lock access. Specify CERW_TYPE_SHARED to request shared (read-only) lock access, or CERW_TYPE_EXCLUSIVE to request exclusive (read/write) lock access.
- dwTimeout
[in] Time, in milliseconds, to wait for the lock to become available if access cannot be granted immediately. Setting dwTimeout to zero forces CeAcquireRwLock to return immediately whether the requested access is granted or not.
Return Value
TRUE indicates the calling thread has been successfully granted the desired access to the lock specified in hLock. FALSE indicates lock access could not be granted in the specified timeout. To get extended error information, call GetLastError.
If the lock is invalid, GetLastError will return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER.
If dwTimeout is set to a value greater than zero, the calling thread will block for the specified amount of time. If a timeout occurs acquiring a lock with either shared or exclusive access, GetLastError will return WAIT_TIMEOUT.
However, if CeAcquireRwLock is called recursively to request exclusive access to a lock, a deadlock condition may occur. In this case, CeAcquireRwLock will return FALSE immediately to prevent deadlock, and GetLastError will return ERROR_LOCK_VIOLATION
Locks acquired by calling CeAcquireRwLock should be released by calling CeReleaseRwLock.
Header |
Cerwlock.h |
Library |
coredll.lib |
See Also
Synchronization Functions
Synchronization Enumerations