
Input - Touch Tests (Compact 2013)


The Input - Touch tests are comprised of the following.

In This Section



Calibration Abort Test

Tests the TouchPanelReadCalibrationAbort function, which aborts a TouchPanelReadCalibrationPointfunction call

Calibration Test

Calibrates the touch panel if it is not already calibrated, and then calls the TouchPanelCalibrateAPoint function with a range of point values to verify success

Device Power State Test

Tests the behavior when the touch driver is deactivated through the touch panel’s parent bus driver

Drawing Test

Tests the ability of the touch panel driver to properly detect tap and release events on the touch panel

Null Parameter Test

Null parameter test

Pen Up and Down Test

Tests the ability of the touch panel driver to properly detect tap and release events on the touch panel

Point Test

Tests the ability of the touch driver to correctly detect pen coordinates on the touch panel

Power Capabilities Test

Verifies whether the D0 and D3 power states are supported by the touch driver

Query Device Caps Test

Tests the TouchPanelGetDeviceCaps function, if the function is supported by the touch panel driver

Read Calibration Point Test

Tests the TouchPanelReadCalibrationPoint function, which reads a single point of data from the touch panel

Set Sample Rate Test

Tests the TouchPanelSetMode function, if the function is supported by the touch-panel driver

Touch BVT Test

Verifies whether the touch driver is loaded and registered correctly in the registry

Touch Driver Unloaded Test

Tests the behavior when the touch driver is deactivated through the touch panel’s parent bus driver

Touch Panel APIs, Functional, Power Management, and Fault Injection Tests

Performs API, functional, power management, and fault injection tests

See Also



Other Resources

Compact Test Kit (CTK)