Bluetooth API Management Functions (Compact 2013)
This section describes the Bluetooth management functions.
- BthCancelInquiry
Cancels the current inquiry.
- BthCancelRemoteNameQuery
Cancels the query started by a call to BthRemoteNameQuery.
- BthClearInquiryFilter
Clears the Inquiry Filter.
- BthEnterHoldMode
Places the Asynchronous Connection-Oriented (ACL) logical transport connection to the peer in Hold mode.
- BthEnterParkMode
Puts the ACL connection to the peer specified by the Bluetooth address in PARK state.
- BthEnterSniffMode
Places the ACL connection to the peer in Sniff mode.
- BthExitParkMode
Forces the ACL connection to the peer to leave PARK state.
- BthExitSniffMode
Forces the ACL connection to the peer to leave Sniff mode.
- BthGetAddress
Retrieves the Bluetooth address based on the specified connection handle.
- BthGetBasebandConnections
Retrieves baseband connection data for all current connections.
- BthGetBasebandConnectionsEx
Retrieves baseband connection data for all current connections.
- BthGetBasebandHandles
Retrieves handles of all current connections.
- BthGetCurrentMode
Retrieves the current mode of the ACL connection to the peer that is specified by the Bluetooth address.
- BthGetHardwareStatus
Obtains the hardware status.
- BthGetRemoteCOD
Retrieves the Class of Device (COD) for a for a specified Bluetooth peer device.
- BthGetRole
Retrieves the current role for a peer Bluetooth device.
- BthPerformInquiry
Performs an Inquiry operation.
- BthReadAuthenticationEnable
Reads the value for the authentication setting.
- BthReadCOD
Reads adapter's COD.
- BthReadLinkPolicySettings
Reads the current link policy for the existing connection with the peer that is specified by its Bluetooth address.
- BthReadLocalAddr
Retrieves the Bluetooth address of the current device.
- BthReadLocalVersion
Reads the version and capabilities of Host Controller Interface (HCI) and Link Manager Protocol (LMP) stacks on the Bluetooth device.
- BthReadLSTO
Reads the link supervision timeout (LSTO) property of the connection to a device.
- BthReadPageTimeout
Retrieves the current page timeout value.
- BthReadRemoteExtendedFeatures
Reads the version and capabilities of Link Manager Protocol (LMP) stack on the Bluetooth device.
- BthReadRemoteVersion
Retrieves signal strength of connection to peer Bluetooth device.
- BthReadRSSI
Retrieves signal strength of connection to peer Bluetooth device.
- BthReadScanEnableMask
Reads the adapter's scan mode.
- BthRefreshEncryptionKey
Causes the Controller to refresh the encryption key by pausing and resuming encryption
- BthRemoteNameQuery
Queries the name of a remote Bluetooth device.
- BthSetCODInquiryFilter
Sets the Inquiry Filter to a COD.
- BthSetInquiryFilter
Sets the Inquiry Filter to a specified address.
- BthSetSSRParameters
Sets the parameters for sniff subrating (SSR) mode.
- BthStartInquiryAsync
Starts an inquiry.
- BthSwitchRole
Changes the changes the current role to the specified role.
- BthTerminateIdleConnections
Disconnects all idle connections held by the L2CAP layer.
- BthWriteAuthenticationEnable
Sets the value for the authentication setting.
- BthWriteCOD
Sets adapter's COD.
- BthWriteLinkPolicySettings
Writes the current link policy for the existing connection with the peer specified by its Bluetooth address.
- BthWriteLSTO
Sets the link supervision timeout (LSTO) property of the connection to a device.
- BthWritePageTimeout
Configures the page timeout.
- BthWriteScanEnableMask
Sets the adapter's scan mode.
Many functions in the Bluetooth API have an equivalent WinSock function that is the preferred way to access Bluetooth functionality because of convenience and code portability within the Win32 family. For information on using these WinSock functions see Bluetooth API Miscellaneous Functions.