Default Registry Values for Widgets (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)
Widget Registry Values
The following example shows the information available in the registry about the widgets:
"SepHt" - Total height of a separator item.
"SepXMrg" - CX Margin around separator line.
"SepYMrg - CY Margin around separator line.
"BarLMrg" - CX Left Margin around text.
"BarRMrg" - CX Right Margin around text.
"BarTMrg" - CY Margin around text.
"Page" - Number of arrows that equal a PageUp.
Default Small Widget:
- CX Margin around text = 15
- CX Size of a check mark area = 7
- CY Size of a check mark area = 7
- CX Margin around checkmark image = 4
- CY Margin around checkmark image = 5
- X Location of checkmark images in the global widget bitmap = 0
- Y Location of checkmark images in the global widget bitmap = 0
Default Large Widgets:
- CX Margin around text = 30
- CX Size of a check mark area = 14
- CY Size of a check mark area = 14
- CX Margin around checkmark image = 8
- CY Margin around checkmark image = 8
- X Location of checkmark images in the global widget bitmap = 7
- Y Location of checkmark images in the global widget bitmap = 0