
International OS Design Development (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


Internationalization is made up of a collection of functionality that provides general locale services and locale–specific support for certain key capabilities.

Windows Embedded CE provides general locale services for numerous code pages, and linguistic and cultural conventions through Unicode and national language support (NLS). Unicode is a universal character encoding system, while NLS carries information on date, time, calendar, number, and currency formats. NLS also provides sorting and character type information for all the locales supported by the operating system (OS).

Internationalization spans a range of language-specific functionality. This functionality supports several East Asian language input methods (IM) and Input Method Editors (IME) that are uniquely designed for a specific language. East Asian languages require IMEs in order to input characters from a keyboard or stylus tablet.

In addition to general and language–specific functionality, internationalization includes support for a handwriting recognition engine that is extremely useful when working with East Asian languages and the Multilingual User Interface (MUI), functionality that makes it possible for users to switch the language and locale of the user interface (UI).

In This Section

  • Complex Scripts Support in Windows Embedded CE
    Provides a comprehensive overview of Complex Scripts Support in Windows Embedded CE and describes how to create a Complex Scripts–enabled run–time image for a Windows Embedded CE–based device.
  • Multiple Input Language Support
    Describes the support for multiple input languages in Windows Embedded CE and shows how to enable multiple input languages for a target device.
  • OS Localization
    Describes the files and configuration options available for the localization of the operating system.
  • International Migration
    Provides information that is helpful when migrating from one version of Windows Embedded CE to another.
  • Input Method Manager (IMM)
    Provides a comprehensive overview of IMM. IMM manages the communication between an Input Method Editor (IME) and an application.
  • Locale-specific Support
    Provides information that is specific to each locale that is supported in Windows Embedded CE.
  • Multilingual User Interface (MUI)
    Provides information about MUI support in Windows Embedded CE. MUI allows users to change the language of the user interface (UI). Shows how to use MUI to create a multilingual run–time image.
  • National Language Support (NLS)
    Provides information about NLS support in Windows Embedded CE. NLS enables to support the different locale–specific needs of users around the world.
  • Unicode Script Processor for Complex Scripts
    Provides a comprehensive overview of the Uniscribe technology. This technology supports scripts that require special processing to show and edit because the characters are not laid out in a linear progression from left to right.

See Also

Other Resources
