
Migrating DirectDraw Structures (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


The following list shows the changes to the DirectDraw API structures from previous versions of Windows Embedded CE to Windows Embedded CE 6.0.

  • The following members of the structure DDCAPS are no longer supported:
    • dwCaps
    • dwCaps2
    • dwFXCaps
    • dwFXAlphaCaps
    • dwSVCaps
    • dwAlphaBltConstBitDepths
    • dwAlphaBltPixelBitDepths
    • dwAlphaBltSurfaceBitDepths
    • dwAlphaOverlayConstBitDepths
    • dwAlphaOverlayPixelBitDepths
    • dwAlphaOverlaySurfaceBitDepths
    • dwZBufferBitDepths
    • dwAlignStrideAlign
    • dwReservedCaps
    • dwMinLiveVideoStretch
    • dwMaxLiveVideoStretch
    • dwMinHwCodecStretch
    • dwMaxHwCodecStretch
    • dwReserved1
    • dwReserved2
    • dwReserved3
    • dwSVBCaps
    • dwSVBCKeyCaps
    • dwSVBFXCaps
    • dwSVBRops[DD_ROP_SPACE]
    • dwVSBCaps
    • dwVSBCKeyCaps
    • dwVSBFXCaps
    • dwVSBRops[DD_ROP_SPACE]
    • dwSSBCaps
    • dwSSBCKeyCaps
    • dwSSBCFXCaps
    • dwSSBRops[DD_ROP_SPACE]
    • dwMaxVideoPorts
    • dwCurrVideoPorts
    • dwSVBCaps2
    • dwNLVBCaps
    • dwNLVBCaps2
    • dwNLVBCKeyCaps
    • dwNLVBFXCaps
    • dwNLVBRops[DD_ROP_SPACE]
    • ddsCaps
  • The following members have been added to the structure DDCAPS:
    • dwVidMemStride
    • dwBltCaps
    • dwAlphaCaps
    • dwOverlayCaps
    • dwMiscCaps
  • The following members of the structure DDBLTFX are no longer supported:
    • dwDDFX
    • dwDDROP
    • dwRotationAngle
    • dwZBufferOpCode
    • dwZBufferLow
    • dwZBufferHigh
    • dwZBufferBaseDest
    • dwZDestConstBitDepth
    • dwZDestConst
    • lpDDSZBufferDest
    • dwZSrcConstBitDepth
    • dwZSrcConst
    • lpDDSZBufferSrc
    • dwAlphaEdgeBlendBitDepth
    • dwAlphaEdgeBlend
    • dwReserved
    • dwAlphaDestConstBitDepth
    • dwAlphaDestConst
    • lpDDSAlphaDest
    • dwAlphaSrcConstBitDepth
    • dwAlphaSrcConst
    • lpDDSAAlphaSrc
    • dwFillDEpth
    • dwFillPixel
    • lpDDSPattern
  • The following structures are no longer supported:
    • DDSCAPS2
  • The DDSURFACEDESC2 structure has been renamed to DDSURFACEDESC.
  • The following members of the structure DDSURFACEDESC are no longer supported:
    • dwLinearSize
    • dwMipMapCount
    • dwAlphaBitDepth
    • dwReserved
    • dwTextureStage
  • The following members have been added to the structure DDSURFACEDESC:
    • lXPitch
    • dwSurfaceSize
  • The member dwSize has been added to the structure DDALPHABLTFX.
  • The following members of the DDPIXELFORMAT structure are no longer supported:
    • dwLuminanceBitCount
    • dwBumpBitCount
    • dwPrivateFormatBitCount
    • dwStencilBitDepth
    • dwLuminanceBitMask
    • dwBumpDuBitMask
    • dwOperations
    • dwZBitMask
    • dwBumpDvBitMask
    • wFlipMSTypes
    • wBltMSTypes
    • dwStencilBitMask
    • dwBumpLuminanceBitMask
    • dwYUVAlphaBitMask
    • dwLuminanceAlphaBitMask
    • dwRGBZBitMask
    • dwYUVZBitMask
  • The member dwReserved1 in the DDCOLORCONTROL structure is no longer supported.
  • The following members of the structure DDOVERLAYFX are no longer supported:
    • dwAlphaEdgeBlendBitDepth
    • dwAlphaEdgeBlend
    • dwReserved
    • dwAlphaDestConstBitDepth
    • dwAlphaDestConst
    • lpDDSAlphaDest
    • dwAlphaSrcConstBitDepth
    • dwAlphaSrcConst
    • lpDDSAAlphaSrc
    • dwDDFX
    • dwFlags
  • The following members have been added to the structure DDOVERLAYFX:
    • dwAlphaConstBitDepth
    • dwAlphaConst
  • Added the structure DDARGB.
  • Added the structure DDDEVICEIDENTIFIER.
  • Added the structure DDGAMMARAMP.

See Also


DirectDraw Migration