XIPCHAIN_ENTRY (Compact 2013)
This structure defines an execute-in-place (XIP) region that can be used by the kernel.
typedef struct _XIPCHAIN_ENTRY {
LPVOID pvAddr;
DWORD dwLength;
DWORD dwMaxLength;
USHORT usOrder;
USHORT usFlags;
DWORD dwVersion;
DWORD dwAlgoFlags;
DWORD dwKeyLen;
BYTE byPublicKey[596];
- pvAddr
Address of the XIP region.
- dwLength
Specifies the size of the XIP region.
- dwMaxLength
Specifies the maximum size of the XIP region.
- usOrder
Order of the entries to be used when ROMChain_t is filled in by the OEM.
Flag or status of the XIP region. The following are possible values. Either one or both can be specified.- ROMXIP_OK_TO_LOAD loads the XIP region.
- ROMXIP_IS_SIGNED indicates that the XIP regions are signed.
- dwVersion
Specifies the version number of the region.
- szName
Name of the XIP region, which is typically the .bin file name without the .bin suffix. Maximum length is XIP_NAMELEN characters.
- dwAlgoFlags
Specifies the algorithm for signature verification.
- dwKeyLen
Specifies the length of the byPublicKey key.
- byPublicKey
Public key data that verifies the XIP region.
The pvAddr value plus (ROM_CHAIN_OFFSET + 4) is assigned to the pTOC member of ROMHDR, which is then sent to the kernel.
Header |
romldr.h |