
Source Path Mapping Dialog Box (Compact 2013)


The Source Path Mapping dialog box stores source path mappings and priorities for the kernel debugger.

These mappings are organized as a prioritized list. The path with the original build is always at the lowest priority. You control the relative priorities of the mappings that you add to the list by their position in the list.

When the kernel debugger looks for source code to match with an executable, it reads the path from the program database (.pdb) file, searches the list for a mapping for that path, and uses the first matching path it finds.

The dialog box lists paths from top to bottom, in the order of highest priority path to the lowest priority path. By default, new path mappings are added to the bottom of the list. You change the priority order of paths with the Move Item UI elements as noted in this topic.

You can enable or disable a specific mapping by selecting or clearing the check box associated with it.

  • Path from PDB File
    Source code location in effect when the compiler created the .pdb file. To manually browse for the path, choose Browse.
  • Local path
    Path to associate with the original path from the .pdb file. To manually browse for the path, choose Browse.


    This path may not contain spaces.

  • New
    Creates a source path mapping entry.
  • Delete
    Removes a selected source path mapping entry.
  • Move Item Up
    Increases the priority of a source path mapping entry by moving it one step higher on the source path mapping list.
  • Move Item Down
    Decreases the priority of a source path mapping entry by moving it one step lower on the source path mapping list.
  • OK
    Processes your input and reevaluates all mappings. Any changes that you made are applied to the display. If the debugger cannot find a path, an invalid directory error occurs, and you can then provide a correct path.
  • Cancel
    Closes the dialog box without saving changes that you made.


.Pdb files contain a path for each relevant source code file. The path is based on the computer where the source code was built.

An invalid directory error occurs if the Local path does not exist at the time that you enter the mapping.

The Local path cannot contain spaces. Breakpoints will not be set if the local path contains spaces. For example, "C:\Documents and Settings" is not supported.


This example shows two mappings. The top mapping has the highest priority, and source code in that folder will be selected by the debugger.

Path from PDB file

Local path


See Also


Disassembly Window


Platform Builder User Interface

Other Resources

Platform Builder Dialog Boxes