
Installing MUI Packs on a Development System

Multiple User Interface (MUI) language packs are not included in the default Windows XP Embedded installation. To add language support for multiple languages, each language must be installed on the system. If you have not installed Windows XP Embedded with Service Pack 1 (SP1) MUI language packs and Windows XP Embedded with Service Pack 2 (SP2) MUI language packs, you must install those first before you can install the Windows® XP Embedded Service Pack 2 Feature Pack 2007 MUI language packs.

To install the MUI language packs to a development system

  1. Insert the Windows® XP Embedded Service Pack 2 Feature Pack 2007 disc in the computer that you use for development.

    The FP 2007 start page is displayed.

  2. Choose MUI Resources

    The MUI folder appears.

  3. Install the MUI language packs on your development computer.

    Setup adds components for the selected MUI packs to the component database.

    For more information, see How to Add Multiple Language Support to a Run-Time Image in the Windows XP Embedded Studio Help.

Last updated on Wednesday, October 18, 2006

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