
CeFindFirstDatabase (RAPI) (Windows CE 5.0)

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This function opens an enumeration context to enable an application to enumerate all databases in the object store.

CeFindFirstDatabase is a remote application interface (RAPI), which enables an application running on a desktop computer to make function calls on a Windows CE–based device.



  • dwDbaseType
    [in] Specifies the type identifier of the databases to enumerate. If this parameter is 0, all databases are enumerated.

Return Values

A handle to an enumeration context indicates success.

    Indicates failure.

When passed a NULL value in the dwDbaseType parameter, CeFindFirstDatabase returns a handle and sets the last error to ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER.

Note   To get extended error information within a RAPI program, call CeGetLastError. CeGetLastError may return ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY if no memory is available to allocate a database handle.


This function only returns the handle to an enumeration context. To begin enumerating databases, an application must call the CeFindNextDatabase function.

Use the CeCloseHandle function to close a handle returned by the CeFindFirstDatabase function.


OS Versions: Windows CE 1.01 and later.
Header: Rapi.h.
Link Library: Rapi.lib.

See Also

RAPI Functions | CeCloseHandle (RAPI) | CeFindNextDatabase (RAPI) | CeGetLastError (RAPI)

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