
Modifying the CD/DVD-ROM File System Driver Test (Windows CE 5.0)

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The CD/DVD-ROM File System Driver Test executes the tux –o –d udftest command line on default execution.

You can modify the test by editing the command line. For information about how to edit the command line for a test, see Editing the Command Line for a Test. The following table shows the modifications that you can make to the test.

To modify the CD/DVD-ROM File System Driver Test

To Add this command-line parameter
Specify a path to test.

The default path is "CDROM Drive".

-p <path>

The following table shows the test cases for the CD/DVD-ROM File System Driver Test.

Test case Description
5000: Attributes Tests the GetFileAttributes function on each file on the CD or DVD. This test fails if the GetFileAttributes function returns 0xFFFFFFFF for any file or if the file attributes that the function returns differ from the attributes in the WIN32_FIND_DATA structure returned by the FindFirstFile or FindNextFile function.
5001: Attributes Ex Tests the GetFileAttributesEx function on each file on the CD or DVD. This test fails if the GetFileAttributesEx function call fails or returns information in the WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA structure that differs from the information in the WIN32_FIND_DATA structure returned by the FindFirstFile or FindNextFile function. The test compares file attributes, times, and sizes.
5002: Free Disk Space Tests the GetDiskFreeSpaceEx function on each file on the CD or DVD. This test fails if the GetDiskFreeSpaceEx function call fails on a directory or succeeds on a non-directory file.
5003: Information By Handle Tests the GetInformationByHandle function on each non-directory file on the CD or DVD. This test fails if the CreateFile or GetFileInformationByHandle function calls fail for any file, or if the GetFileInformationByHandle function returns information in the BY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION structure that differs from the information in the WIN32_FIND_DATA structure returned by the FindFirstFile or FindNextFile function. The test compares file attributes, times, and sizes.
5004: File Size Tests the GetFileSize function on each non-directory file on the CD or DVD. This test fails if the CreateFile function call fails or if the GetFileSize function returns a file size that differs from the file size specified in the WIN32_FIND_DATA structure returned by the FindFirstFile or FindNextFile function.
5005: File Time Tests the GetFileTime function on each non-directory file on the CD or DVD. This test fails if the CreateFile or GetFileTime function calls fail on any file or if the times returned by GetFileTime function differ from the times specified in the WIN32_FIND_DATA structure returned by the FindFirstFile or FindNextFile function.
5010: Remove Directory Tests the RemoveDirectory function on each file and directory on the CD or DVD. This test fails if the RemoveDirectory function call succeeds on any file. The test also fails if the function call fails with an error code other than ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED for a directory or ERROR_DIRECTORY for a non-directory file.
5011: Create Directory Tests the CreateDirectory function by attempting to create a new directory in each subdirectory on the CD or DVD. This test fails if the CreateDirectory function call succeeds in any subdirectory or if the function call fails with an error code other than ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED.
5012: Create New File Tests the CreateFile function by attempting to create a new file in each subdirectory on the CD or DVD with the dwCreationDisposition parameter set to a value of CREATE_NEW, CREATE_ALWAYS, or TRUNCATE_EXISTING. This test fails if the CreateFile function call succeeds in any subdirectory or if the function call fails with an error code other than ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED.
5013: Create File For Write Tests the CreateFile function by attempting to open each file on the CD or DVD for GENERIC_WRITE access and FILE_SHARE_WRITE sharing. This test fails if the CreateFile function call succeeds on any file or if the function call fails with an error code other than ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED.
5014: Delete File Tests the DeleteFile function by attempting to delete each file and directory on the CD or DVD. This test fails if the DeleteFile function call succeeds or if the function call fails with an error code other than ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED.
5015: Delete and Rename File Tests the DeleteAndRenameFile function by attempting to delete and rename each file and directory on the CD or DVD. This test fails if the DeleteAndRenameFile function call succeeds or if the function call fails with an error code other than ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED.
5016: Move File Tests the MoveFile function by attempting to move each file and directory on the CD or DVD. This test fails if the MoveFile function call succeeds or if the function call fails with an error code other than ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED.
5017: Set File Attributes Tests the SetFileAttributes function by attempting to set the file attributes of each file and directory on the CD or DVD to FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL. This test fails if the SetFileAttributes function call succeeds or if the function call fails with an error code other than ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED.
5018: Set End of File Tests the SetEndOfFile function by opening each non-directory file on the CD or DVD and then attempting to set the end of the file. This test fails if the SetEndOfFile function call succeeds or if the function call fails with an error code other than ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED.
5019: Write File Tests the WriteFile function by opening each non-directory file on the CD or DVD and then attempting to write to the file. This test fails if the WriteFile function call succeeds or if the function call fails with an error code other than ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED.
5020: Flush File Buffers Tests the FlushFileBuffers function by opening each non-directory file on the CD or DVD and then attempting to flush the buffers for the file. This test fails if the FlushFileBuffers function call succeeds or if the function call fails with an error code other than ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED.
5021: Set File Time Tests the SetFileTime function by opening each non-directory file on the media and then attempting to set the time for the file. This test fails if the SetFileTime function call succeeds or if the function call fails with an error code other than ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED.
5030: Read 1K Buffer Tests the ReadFile function by opening each non-directory file on the CD or DVD and reading the entire file using a 1-kilobyte (KB) read buffer. This test fails if the total number of bytes read from a file does not match the size of the file specified in the WIN32_FIND_DATA structure returned by the FindFirstFile or FindNextFile function.
5031: Read 2K Buffer Tests the ReadFile function by opening each non-directory file on the CD or DVD and reading the entire file using a 2-KB read buffer. A CD sector is 2 KB in size. This test fails if the total number of bytes read from a file does not match the size of the file specified in the WIN32_FIND_DATA structure returned by the FindFirstFile or FindNextFile function.
5032: Read 2040B Buffer Tests the ReadFile function by opening each non-directory file on the CD or DVD and reading the entire file using a 2040-byte read buffer. A CD sector is slightly larger than 2040 bytes in size. This test fails if the total number of bytes read from a file does not match the size of the file specified in the WIN32_FIND_DATA structure returned by the FindFirstFile or FindNextFile function.
5033: Read 2050B Buffer Tests the ReadFile function by opening each non-directory file on the CD or DVD and reading the entire file using a 2050-byte read buffer. A CD sector is slightly smaller than 2050 bytes in size. This test fails if the total number of bytes read from a file does not match the size of the file specified in the WIN32_FIND_DATA structure returned by the FindFirstFile or FindNextFile function.
5034: Read 64K Buffer Tests the ReadFile function by opening each non-directory file on the CD or DVD and reading the entire file using a 64-KB read buffer. The filesys module allocates a buffer that is 64 KB in size for a file copy operation. This test fails if the total number of bytes read from a file does not match the size of the file specified in the WIN32_FIND_DATA structure returned by the FindFirstFile or FindNextFile function.
5035: Memory Mapped I/O Test Tests the CreateFileForMapping, CreateFileMapping, and MapViewOfFile functions by mapping and reading every non-directory file on the CD or DVD. This test fails if the file mapping fails or if the number of byes read from the mapped file is smaller than the size of the file specified in the WIN32_FIND_DATA structure returned by the FindFirstFile or FindNextFile function.


This test library can have one or more optional command-line entries to change the behavior of the test. To specify one or more optional command-line entries to the test library, you must use the –c command-line option. This option forces Tux to pass the specified string into the test library.

See Also

CD/DVD-ROM File System Driver Test

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