
IPMBootableDevice:IDispatch (Windows CE 5.0)

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This interface provides the ability to access and change a specified bootable device object. The IDE for Microsoft® Platform Builder displays a bootable device as a named connection. A bootable device stores download service settings, kernel transport settings, and other settings.

Bootable device objects are stored in the registry under Platform Manager. The bootable device object is accessed by the IPMPlatformManager::EnumBootableDevices method.

The following code sample shows one technique for accessing a bootable device object from an Automation client.

Dim tBootableDevice as Object
For Each tBootableDevice in tPlatform.EnumBootableDevices
  ' Access the bootable device object here.
Next tBootableDevice

The following code sample shows a second technique for accessing a bootable device object from an Automation client.

Dim nIndex as Integer
For nIndex = 1 to tPlatman.EnumBootableDevices.Count
  Set tBootableDevice = tPlatman.EnumBootableDevices.Item(nIndex)
  ' Access the bootable device object here.

The following table shows this interface's methods.

Method Description
IPMBootableDevice::Id Retrieves the globally unique identifier (GUID) associated with the bootable device object.
IPMBootableDevice::Name Obtains or sets the name of the bootable device object.
IPMBootableDevice::EnumProperties Enumerates the properties associated with the bootable device object.
IPMBootableDevice::GetProperty Obtains a property object for a specified bstrPropId element.
IPMBootableDevice::AddProperty Adds a property object to the IPMBootableDevice interface and returns this object.
IPMBootableDevice::DeleteProperty Deletes the property object corresponding to a specified bstrPropId element.
IPMBootableDevice::AddServiceInfo Adds a service information object based on a service category to the bootable device.
IPMBootableDevice::DeleteService Removes a service information object based on a service category for the bootable device.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: Bootabledevice.h, Cemgr.idl.

See Also


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