
Networked Media Device Security (Windows CE 5.0)

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You are responsible for maintaining the security of your device. Networked devices come with their own vulnerabilities and challenges. Some of these are listed below.

  • you should always use secure coding techniques. For more information about Windows CE security services, see Enhancing the Security of a Device.
  • You should keep your system closed. Do not let 3rd party applications that are not part of the ROM image run on the system.
  • WM DRM 10 ND device private keys must be stored securely (via obfuscation, secure storage, etc.) on the device. They can not be left in the clear on the file system.
  • Your device should not contain any components that could provide external access from the network. These applications include Telnet server and FTP server.
  • The 'D' bib file flag can be used to prevent debuggers from attaching when sensitive modules (like DRM) are loaded on the device. For more information, see the topic MODULES Section.
  • There is a size limit of 260 characters for streaming media URLs. Your device should limit URL size to this (or a smaller) size.

See Also

Developing a Networked Media Device

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