
Installing the Windows CE 5.0 Networked Media Device Feature Pack

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This procedure describes how to install the Windows CE 5.0 Networked Media Device Feature Pack.

To install the Windows CE 5.0 Networked Media Device Feature Pack

  1. Run Setup.exe.

    Running Setup.exe installs the accumulated QFE releases for Windows CE 5.0 and then installs the Windows CE 5.0 Networked Media Device Feature Pack. This process takes approximately 15 to 20 minutes.

  2. Download Windows Media Connect 2.0.

    For more information about Windows Media Connect 2.0, see this Microsoft Web site. Click the download link to download Windows Media Connect.

  3. Copy any third party board support package (BSP) files to %_WINCEROOT%\PLATFORM.

  4. For third party BSPs, import the .cec files into the Catalog.

    From the File menu, choose Manage Catalog Items, choose Import, and then open the .cec files for the third party BSPs from %_WINCEROOT%\PLATFORM.

Note   If you experience build breaks following installation, perform a fresh installation of Platform Builder for Windows CE 5.0, run it once and close it, and then install Windows CE 5.0 Networked Media Device Feature Pack before generating builds.

See Also

How to Develop a Networked Media Device

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