
DVR Engine Integration and Extension (Windows CE 5.0)

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This topic describes how you can integrate the DVR engine with external data sources, such as an electronic programming guide.

The following table shows DirectShow interfaces that you can use to add digital video recorder (DVR) functionality to your application.

Interface Description
IDVREngineHelpers Interface This interface is exposed by both DVR source and sink filters. It allows applications to delete recorded files to help manage storage space.
IStreamBufferPlayback Interface This interface is used by DVR applications to control playback graphs.

You can use this interface in a DVR application to control how a playback graph bound to live TV responds to tuning requests.

IStreamBufferCapture Interface This interface is used by DVR applications during initialization to configure a capture graph for either permanent or temporary recording. This interface can also be used to reconfigure a capture graph for temporary recordings into a capture graph for permanent recordings, and vice versa.

See Also

Customizing a Digital Video Recorder

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