
Toolbar Styles (Windows CE 5.0)

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The following table shows the styles that are supported by Windows CE.

Toolbar style Description
TBSTYLE_AUTOSIZE Calculates a button width based on the text of the button, not on the size of the image.
TBSTYLE_BUTTON Creates a toolbar button that looks like a standard Windows CE push button.
TBSTYLE_CHECK Creates a button that toggles between the pressed and not pressed states each time the user clicks it. The button has a different background color when it is in the pressed state.
TBSTYLE_CHECKGROUP Creates a check button that stays pressed until another button in the group is pressed.
TBSTYLE_CUSTOMERASE Creates a toolbar that generates NM_CUSTOMDRAW notification messages when it processes WM_ERASEBKGND messages.
TBSTYLE_DROPDOWN Creates a drop-down list button.
TBSTYLE_FLAT Creates a flat toolbar, in which both the toolbar and the buttons are transparent. Button text appears under button bitmaps.
TBSTYLE_GROUP When combined with TBSTYLE_CHECK style, this style creates a button that stays pressed until another button in the group is pressed.
TBSTYLE_LIST Places button text to the right of button bitmaps. This style can only be used with the TBSTYLE_FLAT style. In Windows CE, the TBSTYLE_LIST style creates a toolbar with variable width buttons. If you want to use the TBSTYLE_LIST style with fixed width buttons, you can override the default behavior by sending a TB_SETBUTTONSIZE or TB_SETBUTTONWIDTH message.
TBSTYLE_SEP Creates a separator, which provides a small gap between button groups. A button that has this style does not receive user input.
TBSTYLE_TOOLTIPS Creates a ToolTip control that an application can use to display descriptive text for the buttons in the toolbar.
TBSTYLE_TRANSPARENT Creates a transparent toolbar, in which the toolbar is transparent, but the buttons are not. Button text appears under button bitmaps.
TBSTYLE_WRAPABLE Creates a toolbar that can have multiple rows of buttons. Toolbar buttons can wrap to the next line when the toolbar becomes too narrow to include all buttons on the same line. Wrapping occurs on separation and non-group boundaries.

See Also

Control Styles | Window and Message Box Styles

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