
SHRGINFO (Windows CE 5.0)

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This structure sets members for the SHRecognizeGesture function. If a user taps and holds long enough to warrant a context menu, a GN_CONTEXTMENU notification will be returned by the function, or sent to the parent of the control, depending on the values in the SHRGINFO structure.

typedef struct tagSHRGI {  DWORD cbSize;  HWND hwndClient;  POINT ptDown;  DWORD dwFlags;} SHRGINFO, *PSHRGINFO;


  • cbSize
    Size of the SHRGINFO structure.
  • hwndClient
    Handle to the window calling the SHRecognizeGesture function.
  • ptDown
    X and Y client coordinates of the mouse-down position.
  • dwFlags
    Contains one of the values listed in the following table.
    Flag Description
    SHRG_LONGDELAY This will process a longer delay than the default before it indicates a gesture.
    SHRG_NOANIMATION Suppresses the animation associated with a gesture. For more information, see SHRecognizeGesture.
    SHRG_NOTIFYPARENT Parent of hwndClient will receive WM_NOTIFY or GN_CONTEXTMENU, as applicable.
    SHRG_RETURNCMD Return value will be GN_CONTEXTMENU or 0.


Pocket PC: Pocket PC 2000 and later
OS Versions: Windows CE 3.0 and later
Header: aygshell.h
Library: aygshell.lib

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