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This structure contains information that defines a band in a rebar control.



  • cbSize**
    Size of this structure, in bytes. The application must fill this member before sending any messages that use the address of this structure as a parameter.
  • fMask**
    Flags that indicate which members of this structure are valid or must be filled. It can be a combination of the following values.
    Value Description
    RBBIM_BACKGROUND The hbmBack member is valid or must be filled.
    RBBIM_CHILD The hwndChild member is valid or must be filled.
    RBBIM_CHILDSIZE The cxMinChild and cyMinChild members are valid or must be filled.
    RBBIM_COLORS The clrFore and clrBack members are valid or must be filled.
    RBBIM_IDEALSIZE The cxIdeal member is valid or must be filled.
    RBBIM_ID The wID member is valid or must be filled.
    RBBIM_IMAGE The iImage member is valid or must be filled.
    RBBIM_LPARAM The lParam member is valid or must be filled.
    RBBIM_SIZE The cx member is valid or must be filled.
    RBBIM_STYLE The fStyle member is valid or must be filled.
    RBBIM_TEXT The lpText member is valid or must be filled.
  • fStyle**
    Flags that specify the band style. It can be a combination of the following values.
    Value Description
    RBBS_BREAK The band is on a new line.
    RBBS_CHILDEDGE The band has an edge at the top and bottom of the child window.
    RBBS_FIXEDBMP The background bitmap does not move when the band is resized.
    RBBS_FIXEDSIZE The band cannot be sized. With this style, the sizing grip is not displayed on the band.
    RBBS_GRIPPERALWAYS The band will always have sizing grip, even if it is the only band in the rebar.
    RBBS_HIDDEN The band will not be visible.
    RBBS_NOVERT The band is not displayed when the rebar control uses the CCS_VERT style.
    RBBS_VARIABLEHEIGHT The band can be resized by the rebar control. cyIntegral and cyMaxChild affect how the rebar will resize the band.
  • clrFore and clrBack
    Band foreground and background colors. If hbmBack specifies a background bitmap, these members are ignored.
  • lpText**
    Long pointer to a buffer that contains the display text for the band. If band information is being requested from the control and RBBIM_TEXT is specified in fMask, this member must be initialized to the address of the buffer that will receive the text.
  • cch**
    Size of the buffer at lpText, in bytes. If information is not being requested from the control, this member is ignored.
  • iImage**
    Zero-based index of any image that should be displayed in the band, if any. The image list is set using the RB_SETBARINFO message.
  • hwndChild**
    Handle to the child window contained in the band, if any.
  • cxMinChild**
    Minimum length of the child window, in pixels. The band cannot be sized smaller than this value.
  • cyMinChild**
    Minimum thickness of the child window, in pixels. The band cannot be sized smaller than this value.
  • cx**
    Length of the band, in pixels.
  • hbmBack**
    Handle to a bitmap that is used as the background for this band.
  • wID**
    Unsigned integer that the control uses to identify this band for Custom Draw messages. This value may be used for additional purposes in the future.
  • cyChild**
    Initial height of the band, in pixels. This member is ignored unless the RBBS_VARIABLEHEIGHT style is specified.
  • cyMaxChild**
    Maximum height of the band, in pixels. This member is ignored unless the RBBS_VARIABLEHEIGHT style is specified.
  • cyIntegral**
    Specifies the step value by which the band can grow or shrink, in pixels. If the band is resized, it will be resized in steps specified by this value. This member is ignored unless the RBBS_VARIABLEHEIGHT style is specified.
  • cxIdeal**
    Specifies the ideal width of the band, in pixels. If the band is maximized to the ideal width (see RB_MAXIMIZEBAND), the rebar control will attempt to make the band this width.
  • lParam**
    Specifies a 32-bit application-defined value.


The cxMinChild, cyMinChild, and cx members provide information on dimensions relative to the orientation of the control. That is, for a horizontal rebar control, cxMinChild and cx are horizontal measurements and cyMinChild is a vertical measurement. However, if the control uses the CCS_VERT style, cxMinChild and cx are vertical measurements and cyMinChild is a horizontal measurement.


OS Versions: Windows CE 2.0 and later.
Header: Commctrl.h.

See Also


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