
LVGROUP (Windows CE 5.0)

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This structure is used to set and retrieve groups.

typedef struct LVGROUP {  UINT cbSize;  UINT mask;  LPWSTR pszHeader;  int cchHeader;  LPWSTR pszFooter;  int cchFooter;  int iGroupId;  UINT stateMask;  UINT state;  UINT uAlign;} LVGROUP, *PLVGROUP;


  • cbSize
    Size of an LVGROUP structure.
  • mask
    Specifies which members of the structure are valid input. It can have one or more of the following values.
    Value Description
    LVGF_ALIGN uAlign member is valid.
    LVGF_FOOTER pszFooter and cchFooter members are valid.
    LVGF_GROUPID iGroupId member is valid.
    LVGF_HEADER pszHeader and cchHeader members are valid.
    LVGF_NONE No other items are valid.
    LVGF_STATE state and stateMask members are valid.
  • pszHeader
    Pointer to a string that contains the header.
  • cchHeader
    Number of characters in the string that specifies the header. This number should include the NULL terminator.
  • pszFooter
    Pointer to a string that contains the footer.
  • cchFooter
    Number of characters in the string that specifies the footer. This number should include the NULL terminator.
  • iGroupId
    Identifier (ID) of the group.
  • stateMask
    Reserved; must be zero.
  • state
    Currently, it can only be the following.
    Value Description
    LVGS_NORMAL Groups are expanded, the group name is displayed, and all items in the group are displayed.
  • uAlign
    Indicates the alignment of the header or footer text for the group. It can have one or more of the following values. Use one of the header flags. Footer flags are optional.
    Value Description
    LVGA_FOOTER_CENTER Footer text is centered horizontally in the window.
    LVGA_FOOTER_LEFT Footer text is aligned at the left of the window.
    LVGA_FOOTER_RIGHT Footer text is aligned at the right of the window.
    LVGA_HEADER_CENTER Header text is centered horizontally in the window.
    LVGA_HEADER_LEFT Header text is aligned at the left of the window.
    LVGA_HEADER_RIGHT Header text is aligned at the right of the window.


OS Versions: Windows CE 1.0 and later.
Header: Commctrl.h.

See Also

List-View Controls Structures

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