
Direct3D Mobile Macros (Windows CE 5.0)

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This section contains information about the macros used with Microsoft® Direct3D® Mobile.

The following table shows these macros.

Macro Description
D3DM Values Values for general use within Direct3D Mobile.
D3DM_MAKE_RSVALUE This macro is used to creating render state values.
D3DMADAPTER Values Values to represent the types of Direct3D Mobile devices present on the Windows CE-based device.
D3DMCLEAR Values Flags that identify options for clearing various types of surfaces.
D3DMCOLOR_ARGB Converts unsigned 8-bit-per-channel color values to a D3DMCOLOR value.
D3DMCOLOR_RGBA Converts unsigned 8-bit-per-channel color values to a D3DMCOLOR value.
D3DMCOLOR_XRGB Converts unsigned 8-bit-per-channel color values to a D3DMCOLOR value.
D3DMCOLORWRITEENABLE Values Flags used as values for the D3DMRS_COLORWRITEENABLE render state (see D3DMRENDERSTATETYPE) to identify color channels during pixel write operations in the rendering pipeline.
D3DMCREATE_MULTITHREADED A flag used in calls to IDirect3DMobile::CreateDevice to identify that a Direct3D Mobile device can support multithreaded behavior.
D3DMCS Values Values used to describe clipping planes in the D3DMCLIPSTATUS structure.
D3DMCURRENT_DISPLAY_MODE A value used identify the current mode when calling IDirect3DMobile methods that enumerate properties or retrieve capability bits.
D3DMERR Values HRESULT values that the Direct3D Mobile middleware returns when it encounters errors.
D3DMFVF Values Macros related to creating and interpreting flexible vertex format (FVF) values (see Vertex Data Description).
D3DMFVF_TEXCOORDFIXED Sets the numerical format of a specified texture coordinate set in a flexible vertex format (FVF) to be signed 16.16 floating point values.
D3DMFVF_TEXCOORDFLOAT Sets the numerical format of a specified texture coordinate set in a flexible vertex format (FVF) to be IEEE 32-bit floating point values.
D3DMFVF_TEXCOORDSIZE Macros These macros help specify the number of dimensions of a texture coordinate set when constructing flexible vertex format (FVF) values.
D3DMLOCK Values Flags that describe the characteristics of a lock placed on a Direct3D Mobile resource.
D3DMPRESENTFLAG_LOCKABLE_BACKBUFFER A flag that is used to indicate that a back buffer is lockable.
D3DMPV Values Flags used in calls to the IDirect3DMobileDevice::ProcessVertices method.
D3DMRENDERSTATE_WRAPBIAS A value that helps convert a texture stage number to the wrapping render state for that stage.
D3DMTA Values These macros define texture argument flags.
D3DMTSS_TCI Values Flags used with the D3DMTSS_TEXCOORDINDEX texture stage state to specify that vertex position and vertex normal data in the camera space should be taken as texture coordinates.
D3DMUSAGE Values Flags indicating how an application intends to use a surface.
D3DMWRAPCOORD Values Flags that are used to construct the D3DMRS_WRAP0, D3DMRS_WRAP1, D3DMRS_WRAP2, and D3DMRS_WRAP3 render states (see D3DMRENDERSTATETYPE).
Direct3D Mobile Capability Bits Provides links to the categories of capability bits used with Microsoft® Direct3D® Mobile.
Interface Identifiers for Direct3D Mobile Used to obtain pointers to Direct3D Mobile interfaces.
MAKE_D3DMHRESULT Used to create Direct3D Mobile error codes.
MAX_DEVICE_IDENTIFIER_STRING The value representing the maximum string length, in bytes, of a device identifier.

See Also

Direct3D Mobile Reference

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