
Direct3D Mobile Enumerations (Windows CE 5.0)

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This section contains information about the following enumerated types used with Microsoft® Direct3D® Mobile.

The following table shows these enumerations.

Enumeration Description
D3DMBACKBUFFER_TYPE Defines constants that describe the types of back buffers.
D3DMBLENDOP Provides values that identify functions for alpha blending operations.
D3DMBLEND Provides values that identify scaling factors for alpha blending operations.
D3DMCMPFUNC Provides values that identify comparison functions for various render states.
D3DMCULL Defines the possible values for the D3DMRS_CULLMODE render state.
D3DMDEVTYPE This enumeration is not currently used.
D3DMFILLMODE Provides values that describe how primitives should be rasterized.
D3DMFOGMODE Provides values that identify fog equations used in various render states.
D3DMFORMAT Defines the various types of surface formats.
D3DMLIGHTTYPE Provides values used in the D3DMLIGHT structure to describe the types of lights that are available in Direct3D Mobile.
D3DMMATERIALCOLORSOURCE Provides values that describe material colors for render states.
D3DMMULTISAMPLE_TYPE Defines levels of full-scene multisampling that the device can apply.
D3DMPOOL Provides values that describe the memory pools for allocating Direct3D Mobile resources.
D3DMPRIMITIVETYPE Defines the primitives supported by Microsoft Direct3D Mobile.
D3DMPROFILE Identifies all of the Direct3D Mobile profiles defined by Microsoft.
D3DMRENDERSTATETYPE Provides values that identify render states.
D3DMRESOURCETYPE Identifies the types of Direct3D Mobile-specific resources available to an application.
D3DMSHADEMODE Provides values that describe the type of shading model to use when rendering a primitive.
D3DMSTENCILOP Provides values used to identify actions that the Direct3D Mobile pixel pipeline will take as the result of a stencil test.
D3DMSWAPEFFECT Provides values to identify the possible ways to present a scene.
D3DMTEXTUREADDRESS Provides values that identify texture coordinate addressing modes.
D3DMTEXTUREFILTERTYPE Provides values for the texture stage states used for texture filtering and for mipmaps.
D3DMTEXTUREOP Provides values that identify the possible operations for the texture stage states D3DMTSS_COLOROP and D3DMTSS_ALPHAOP (see D3DMTEXTURESTAGESTATETYPE).
D3DMTEXTURESTAGESTATETYPE Provides values that are used to identify texture stage states.
D3DMTEXTURETRANSFORMFLAGS Provides flags that control when a transformation matrix is applied to a texture in a texture stage state.
D3DMTRANSFORMSTATETYPE Provides values that define types of transformation matrices.
D3DMZBUFFERTYPE Provides values that identify types of depth buffering.

See Also

Direct3D Mobile Reference

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