
Internet Explorer RPC Support (Windows CE 5.0)

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Internet Explorer RPC Support enables the browser parent window to communicate with its child windows if the child window is opened by using the Open method of the window object.

For example, using this functionality, the child window can write to the parent's edit control and the reverse is true as well. Also, the parent window can open or close the child window.

Note   Modeless dialog boxes are not supported with cross-window scripting even if you include the Internet Explorer RPC Support Catalog item in your OS design.

For more information about the window object see this Microsoft Web site.

OS Design Information

The following table shows the operating system design information for the Internet Explorer RPC Support functionality.

Concept Description
Dependencies DCOM (RPC) support.
Hardware considerations None.

Note   The RPC functionality in Windows CE is used only by DCOM. It is not supported in other deployment scenarios.

Modules and Components

The following table shows the components and modules that implement the Internet Explorer RPC Support functionality. For more information about the Internet Explorer 6 components and modules architecture, see Internet Explorer 6 Architecture.

Item Module Component
RPC Support actxprxy None.

Implementation Considerations

The following table shows the Sysgen variables that control the Internet Explorer RPC Support functionality.

Sysgen variable Description
SYSGEN_IE_ACTXPRXY Adds the proxy and stub library for Internet Explorer interfaces to your OS design. It enables the browser to communicate across different browser windows it has opened using the window.open method.

Note   Setting the SYSGEN_IE_ACTXPRXY variable also sets the Sysgen variable SYSGEN_DCOM, which adds the DCOM functionality to your OS design.

See Also

Internet Explorer 6 for Windows CE Components | Component Services (COM and DCOM)

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