
Camera Space Transformation (Windows CE 5.0)

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To perform lighting, the transformation pipeline must be configured to transform vertices into camera space. This transformation is accomplished by multiplying model space vertex positions by the Mwv matrix.

V = Vmodel * MVW

Vertex normals are also transformed into camera space. This is accomplished by multiplying the normal vectors by the inverse transpose of the Mwv matrix.

N = Nmodel * (MWV-1)T

If the D3DMRS_NORMALIZENORMALS render state (see D3DMRENDERSTATETYPE) is set then vertex normals are normalized after they are transformed.

N = Norm(N)

Light position in camera space is computed by multiplying the light source position by the view transformation matrix.

Lpi = LpiWorld * MV

The direction to light in the camera space for directional lights, as identified by the D3DMLIGHTTYPE value D3DMLIGHT_DIRECTIONAL, is computed by multiplying the light direction vector by the view matrix. The results are normalized and negated.

Ldi = - Norm(LdiWorld * MV)

For point lights, the direction to the light is computed as the vector between the vertex and the light position.

Ldi = Norm(V * Lpi)

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