
Creating an OS Design for an Image with Multiple XIP Regions (Windows CE 5.0)

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To create a base OS design for a run time image with multiple XIP regions

  1. In Platform Builder, from the File menu, choose New Platform.
  2. Choose Next.
  3. In the Name box, type a name for your workspace, and then choose Next.
  4. From the Available BSPs list, select CEPC: X86, and then choose Next.
  5. From the list of design templates, select Mobile Handheld, and then choose Next.
  6. On the Applications & Media and Networking & Communications pages, choose Next.
  7. Read the security warnings, and then choose Next.
  8. Choose Finish.

See Also

How to Create a Run-Time Image with Multiple XIP Regions | Creating an OS Design with the New Platform Wizard

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