
RasValidateEntryName (Windows CE 5.0)

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This function validates the format of a connection entry name. It must contain at least one non-white-space alpha-numeric character.

DWORDRasValidateEntryName(LPWSTRlpszPhonebook,LPWSTRlpszEntry );


  • lpszPhonebook
    This parameter is ignored and should be set to NULL. Phone-book entries are stored in the registry rather than in a phone-book file.
  • lpszEntry
    Pointer to a null-terminated string that contains an entry name. For Windows CE, the entry name must include at least one alphanumeric character and be a valid registry key name. The entry name cannot begin with a backslash ("\").
    Character Description
    | vertical bar
    > greater than symbol
    < less than symbol
    ? question mark
    * asterisk
    \ backward slash
    / forward slash
    : colon

Note   The entry name must begin with a backquote (`) to appear in the ActiveSync user interface.

Return Values

Zero indicates success. ERROR_INVALID_NAME or ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS indicates failure.

Include Raserror.h for definitions of the RAS error codes.


OS Versions: Windows CE 1.0 and later.
Header: Ras.h.
Link Library: Coredll.lib.

See Also


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