
IUPnPEventSink::OnStateChanged (Windows CE 5.0)

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This method sends an event to the device host with the list of dispatch identifiers (DISPIDs) that have changed. The device host then queries the service object to obtain the new values of the state variables.

HRESULT OnStateChanged(DWORDcChanges,DISPID rgdispidChanges[]);


  • cChanges
    [in] Specifies the number of variables in the list that are sent to the device host and indicates the number of variables whose value has changed.
  • rgdispidChanges
    [in] Specifies a list of DISPIDs of the variables that have changed.

Return Values

If the method succeeds, the return value is S_OK. Otherwise, the method returns one of the COM error codes that are defined in Winerror.h.


This method is hidden from Microsoft® Visual Basic® .NET users.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: Upnphost.h.
Link Library: Uuid.lib.

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